Ablution in toilet is valid or invalid in the light of Islam.


Saying Bismillah When Performing Wudu in the Toilet: OK?

07 September, 2022
QAs-salamu alyakum Is it permissible for a Muslim, after relieving himself in the toilet to say “Bismillah” inside the toilet and then do wudu, or should he go out, say “Bismillah” then go back in and do wudu?


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

There is no harm in reciting the Basmalah (saying Bismillah) silently (in the heart without verbalizing it) inside the toilet before wudu (ablution).

Answering your question, The Fatwa Center at Islamweb, states:

Saying Basmalah before wudu

Saying ‘Bismillah (In the Name of Allah) when starting wudu (ablution) is desirable but not an obligation according to the view of the majority of the scholars and if one does not say it, his wudu is valid.

Reciting Basmalah before wudu in the toilet

The view we adopt is that if a person performs wudu inside the toilet, then the most preponderant opinion of the scholars is that he should not say the mention of Allah that is said when performing wudu out of glorifying the mention of Allah.

Therefore, it is disliked for a person who is inside the toilet to mention Allah even for performing wudu.

Whoever wants to perform wudu inside the toilet, then he can mention the Name of Allah immediately before entering, and then he enters and performs wudu. This is more appropriate to do than mentioning Allah inside the toilet.

However, some scholars permitted mentioning Allah when performing wudu in the toilet. For instance, Ibn `Uthaymeen said:

“If a person wants to perform ablution inside the toilet, he should say ‘Bismillah’ even inside the toilet and he is not sinful for this because the word ‘Bismillah is not a Quran; rather, it is a kind of mention of Allah, but if he says it in his heart and not with his tongue, then this is good, and if he does not say it either by his heart or with his tongue, he is not sinful.”

He also said:

“Saying ‘Bismillah’ in the toilet and the like is permissible because most of the toilets that we have nowadays are clean because water removes the impurity and takes it away, and if one wants to say ‘Bismillah’ in his heart only without uttering it with his tongue, then this is good.”

Almighty Allah knows best.

 Source: www.islamweb.net

How to Perform Qunut

09 September, 2022
QI would like to ask about the Qunut in prayer. Was qunut the common practice of Prophet (peace be upon him) or was it exceptional? What about saying qunut in Fajr prayer all the time?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

  • Qunut is a supplication that Muslims offer during prayer at a specific point while standing.
  • Qunut is recommended in Witr prayer after the ruku.
  • There is no sound report that Prophet Muhammad singled out Fajr prayer for qunut.

Answering your question, The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ in Saudi Arabia, states:

What is qunut?

Qunut, according to the definition of the jurists, is the name of a duaa (supplication) that Muslims offer during prayer at a specific point while standing.

Qunut is recommended in Witr prayer after the ruku (bowing), according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions.

If a calamity befalls the Muslims, it is mustahabb to say duaa al-qunut after standing up from ruku in the last rakah of each of the five daily obligatory prayers, until Allah relieves the Muslims of that calamity. (See Tasheeh al-Duaa by Bakr Abu Zayd, p. 460).

Reciting Qunut in Fajr Prayer all the time

With regard to saying duaa al-qunut in Fajr prayer all the time, in all circumstances, there is no sound report that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) singled out Fajr for qunut, or that he always recited it in Fajr prayer.

Rather, Prophet Muhammad said duaa al-qunut at times of calamity with words that were appropriate to the situation.

He said duaa al-qunut in Fajr and in other prayers, praying against Ra`l, Dhakwaan and `Usayyah for killing the Quran-readers whom he had sent to them in order to teach them their religion.

Prophet Muhammad offered duaa in Fajr prayer and other prayers for the weak and oppressed believers, that Allah would save them from their enemies. But he did not do that all the time.

The Rightly-Guided Caliphs after him followed the same practice. It is better for the imam to limit qunut to times of calamity, following the example of the Messenger of Allah.

Abu Malik al-Ashari said: “I said to my father, ‘O my father, you prayed behind the Messenger of Allah and behind Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan and Ali. Did they used to say duaa al-qunut in Fajr?’ He said, ‘O my son, this is a newly-invented matter.’” (Abu Dawud; classed as sahih by al-Albani in al-Irwa, 435)

Almighty Allah knows best.



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