The basic questions for refuting the Darwin's theory of evolution.

 I am throwing basic questions for answers to those who support Darwin's theory of evolution:

1. If apes evolve into human then he will not have any parents. Have you found any human without parents?

2. If ape evolves into human then many human will come out  of zoos because there are hundreds of apes in the zoos for thousands of years. Have you found such instances?

3. There are millions of dogs and pigs and others around us. Have you ever found that dogs or pigs or apes evolved into human or other animals?

4. As theory of evolution, it's continuous process and if it so, have you ever found that human evolved into other species?

5. If evolution works  then human beings would not give birth enduring pain and would have apes and after few years these apes would evolve into human beings. Have you found such examples?

6. If evolution theory really works then there would be such human beings who were unknown in the society and those people wouldn't have any parents, sister and brother and relatives. Have you found such people in your society?

7. The last and final question is if human beings were evolved from apes, who created the apes or from where and how apes came into existence?


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