Nimrod; A Superpower Destroyed by A Mosquito


Quranic Figures/ 12

Nimrod; A Superpower Destroyed by A Mosquito  

11:29 - October 14, 2022
News ID: 3480840
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Nimrod has turned into a symbol in history, the symbol of a man who considered himself to be the lord of the earth and heaven but was killed by a mosquito.

Nimrod; A Superpower Destroyed by A Mosquito


Nimrod was a king during the prophethood of Abraham (Ibrahim). He was the son of Canaan, who was the son of Kush, who was the son of Sam (Shem), who was the son of Noah (AS). Some believe he was the grandchild of Ham, Noah’s (AS) other son.

Nimrod was the king of Babylon and there are different accounts on how long his reign was, with the longest being 400 years.

One of the measures he took was ordering the killing of all newborn babies after astrologers predicted that a boy named Abraham (AS) will be born and will fight idolatry. Notwithstanding, Abraham (AS) was born, grew up and became a faithful and monotheistic young man.

Nimrod had spread idolatry in his kingdom and considered himself to be god and owner of the earth. It is said that Nimrod was the first person to claim divinity.

After Abraham (AS) destroyed the idols, Nimrod sought to punish him. But prior to that, he entered a debate with Abraham (AS), parts of which have been mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah:

“(Muhammad), have you heard about the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord for His granting him authority? Abraham said, ‘It is only my Lord who gives life and causes things to die.’ His opponent said, ‘I also can give life and make things die.’ Abraham said, ‘God causes the sun to come up from the East. You make it come from the West.’ Thus the unbeliever was confounded. God does not guide the unjust people.” (Verse 258 of Surah Al-Baqarah)

There is no mention of the conversation between Nimrod and Abraham (AS) but it has been referred to in some Jewish narrations such as Talmud. This debate has been described as a kind of confrontation between good and evil and the steadfastness of monotheism in the face of polytheism.

After his defeat in the debate, Nimrod decided to make a big fire and throw Abraham (AS) into it but he faced failure in this as well because God made the fire cool and safe for Abraham (AS) and he entered and left it in full health.

Later, Nimrod began what he considered to be a war with God. He thought God was in heavens, so he built a tall tower to reach God. This tower, known as the Tower of Babel, was destroyed at the order of God.

Nimrod, who considered himself to be more powerful than all, was killed by a mosquito. The small insect entered Nimrod's brain and drove him out of his mind. He had so much pain that others would beat on his head to kill the mosquito. This went on for forty nights and brought about his death.




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