Islam in brief.

 Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Quran, which Muslims believe to be the literal word of God (Allah) as revealed to Muhammad. It is the second-largest religion in the world, with over 1.9 billion followers, known as Muslims.

Core Beliefs:

  1. Tawhid (Oneness of God): The central belief in Islam is the absolute oneness of Allah. He is the creator, sustainer, and ruler of the universe.

  2. Prophets: Muslims believe in all the prophets sent by Allah, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, who is considered the final prophet.

  3. Holy Books: Muslims believe in the original scriptures revealed to previous prophets, such as the Torah (Tawrat), Psalms (Zabur), and Gospel (Injil), but consider the Quran to be the final and most authoritative revelation.

  4. Angels: Belief in angels, such as Gabriel (Jibril), who conveyed Allah's messages to the prophets.

  5. Day of Judgment: Belief in an afterlife where individuals will be judged by Allah based on their deeds and faith.

  6. Predestination: Belief in divine decree (Qadar), that everything happens according to Allah's will.

Five Pillars of Islam:

These are the foundational acts of worship and practice in Islam:

  1. Shahada (Faith): Declaring the belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad.

  2. Salah (Prayer): Performing the five daily prayers.

  3. Zakat (Charity): Giving a portion of one's wealth to those in need.

  4. Sawm (Fasting): Fasting during the month of Ramadan.

  5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): Making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, if physically and financially able.

The Quran:

The Quran is the holy book of Islam, written in Arabic. It is divided into 114 chapters (Surahs) and covers various aspects of life, including theology, morality, law, and guidance for personal conduct.

Branches of Islam:

  1. Sunni Islam: The largest branch, comprising about 85-90% of Muslims. Sunnis emphasize the consensus of the community and the traditions of the Prophet.

  2. Shia Islam: The second-largest branch, comprising about 10-15% of Muslims. Shias believe in the leadership of the Imams, who are descendants of the Prophet Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law, Ali.

  3. Sufism: A mystical branch of Islam focused on inner spirituality and a personal connection with Allah.

Practices and Culture:

  • Halal and Haram: Muslims follow dietary laws, consuming what is permissible (halal) and avoiding what is forbidden (haram), such as pork and alcohol.

  • Modesty: Both men and women are encouraged to dress modestly. Women often wear hijab (headscarf) or other forms of modest clothing.

  • Community: The ummah (global Muslim community) is an important concept, emphasizing unity and brotherhood among Muslims.


  • Islam originated in the 7th century CE in Mecca (modern-day Saudi Arabia).

  • The Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in 610 CE and spent 23 years spreading the message of Islam.

  • After his death in 632 CE, the Islamic community expanded rapidly under the leadership of the Caliphs, spreading across the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Europe and Asia.

Islam has a rich cultural and intellectual history, contributing significantly to fields such as science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, and art during the Islamic Golden Age (8th to 13th centuries). Today, it continues to be a major global religion with diverse traditions and practices


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