Worldly life is nothing except deception because: 1. When there was want of money , there was a feeling that if I had enough money, I would have enjoyed the life, eaten meat and fish with each meal each day, worn luxury fashions and such and such. But when I earn enough money and buy anything whatever mind wants but there is no real change in life. After eating meat and fish a few days, the mind wants to eat mashed vegetables such as potato, leaf of arum and water guard which are considered as foods of poor or lower class. Therefore, there is no change in food habit between the times when I earned 1000 taka and lac taka. 2. There is no basic change in fashion because I get my fashion prepared by the same tailor and with same quality of clothes for 28 year. 3. There is no basic change in sociocultural terms because I mix with same type of people of same values and esteem. 4. There is no basic change in mind set and purpose of life. 5. Sometimes it is felt that poverty i...