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The death is ultimate truth but we indifferent to it.
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There is only one thing which is 100% true in the world and every human being and animal must face it. It will come at right time and no man can suspend or advance it even a second from the appointed time. Everybody tries hard to face the happiness, peace and tranquility even those are not certain but very few people try to face the death or prepare to face it even death is certain and there is no doubt about its occurrence.
Worldly life is nothing except deception because:
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Worldly life is nothing except deception because: 1. When there was want of money , there was a feeling that if I had enough money, I would have enjoyed the life, eaten meat and fish with each meal each day, worn luxury fashions and such and such. But when I earn enough money and buy anything whatever mind wants but there is no real change in life. After eating meat and fish a few days, the mind wants to eat mashed vegetables such as potato, leaf of arum and water guard which are considered as foods of poor or lower class. Therefore, there is no change in food habit between the times when I earned 1000 taka and lac taka. 2. There is no basic change in fashion because I get my fashion prepared by the same tailor and with same quality of clothes for 28 year. 3. There is no basic change in sociocultural terms because I mix with same type of people of same values and esteem. 4. There is no basic change in mind set and purpose of life. 5. Sometimes it is felt that poverty i...
Is it allowed to take emergency contraceptive pill in Islam?-In Islam, the permissibility of using emergency contraceptive pills (often referred to as the "morning-after pill") depends on the circumstances and the intent behind its use.
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Is it allowed to take emergency contraceptive pill in Islam? In Islam, the permissibility of using emergency contraceptive pills (often referred to as the "morning-after pill") depends on the circumstances and the intent behind its use. Here are some key considerations: Preventing Pregnancy After Unprotected Intercourse : If the emergency contraceptive pill is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse (e.g., due to rape, coercion, or a genuine mistake), many Islamic scholars permit its use. This is because the pill prevents conception rather than terminating an established pregnancy, which aligns with the principle of preventing harm. Within Marriage : If the pill is used within the context of marriage to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse, some scholars allow it, as long as it is used before conception occurs. The intent should be to regulate family planning responsibly, not to harm oneself or avoid parental responsibilities. After Conception (Ab...
Logic behind atheist, its defense and Refuting the logic of atheist.
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Logic behind atheist, its defense and Refuting the logic of atheist. ChatGPT said: Yes, atheism is based on several logical and philosophical arguments. While belief or disbelief in a deity is ultimately a personal choice, here are some common logical reasons why someone might be an atheist: 1. Lack of Empirical Evidence Atheists often argue that there is no verifiable, empirical evidence for the existence of any gods. Scientific inquiry relies on testable and repeatable evidence, and since no conclusive proof of a deity has been presented, some people reject the idea on those grounds. 2. The Problem of Evil This argument, also known as the "Epicurean Paradox," questions how an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good deity could allow evil and suffering to exist. If such a god exists, why do natural disasters, diseases, and injustices persist? The existence of suffering is seen by some as contradictory to the concept of a benevolent deity. 3. The Success of Naturalisti...
Allah sets up microwave of wind for transferring data millions years ago which is now being used in modern IT.
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Allah sets up microwave of wind for transferring data millions years ago which is now being used in modern IT. 2/2 ChatGPT said: It sounds like you're referring to the natural principles of electromagnetic waves and wind patterns, which have existed for millions of years and are now being harnessed in modern technology. While the Quran and other religious texts mention the power of wind and natural forces, the specific concept of "microwaves of wind for transferring data" is more of a metaphorical or poetic expression rather than a direct scientific statement. Microwaves, a type of electromagnetic wave, are indeed used for wireless communication, satellite transmissions, and radar. These waves travel through the atmosphere and have been crucial in shaping modern IT and telecommunications. Wind, on the other hand, plays a role in weather patterns, energy production, and even early forms of communication, like carrying smoke signals or dispersing sound. If you're dra...
During committing sin human being has to strive against himself.
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During committing sin human being has to strive against himself. ChatGPT said: Yes, when committing a sin, a human being experiences an internal struggle between their desires (nafs), the whispers of Shaytan, and their conscience (Iman). This struggle is a test from Allah and a part of life’s journey toward righteousness. The Inner Struggle Against Sin 1. The Battle Between Good and Evil Inside Us Every human has two opposing forces within: The Call of the Nafs (Lower Self): Urging toward sin and desires. The Call of the Ruh (Soul) and Iman (Faith): Encouraging obedience to Allah. This creates a constant battle in the heart and mind. "And as for those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good." (Quran 29:69) Striving against sinful desires is known as Jihad al-Nafs (Struggle Against the Self) . 2. The Role of Nafs in Committing Sin The nafs (inner self) can be our greatest enemy if...
Why does human incline to evil deeds?
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Why does human incline to evil did? ChatGPT said: Humans incline toward evil deeds due to a combination of internal and external factors , including their natural disposition, desires, and influences from Satan. Below are some key reasons why humans are drawn to wrongdoing: 1. The Test of Free Will Humans have free will , meaning they can choose between good and evil. This world is a test from Allah, and the ability to choose evil exists to differentiate the righteous from the wicked. "Indeed, We have created man from a drop of fluid, to test him; and We made him hearing and seeing. Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or ungrateful." (Quran 76:2-3) 2. The Influence of Nafs (Inner Self) The nafs (soul/self) has different inclinations, and one of them is towards evil. The Quran mentions three types of nafs: Nafs al-Ammarah (The Commanding Soul) – Inclined toward evil. Nafs al-Lawwamah (The Self-Reproaching Soul) – Struggles between good and e...