
Showing posts from March 12, 2023

The short film USA marine soldier who wanted to kill Muslims but eventually he became muslim .


Differences between pardon and forgiveness.

  Support IslamQA  Please contribute generously in order to ensure the continuity of our website InshaAllah. Contribute Names and Attributes of Allaah Related topic The difference between forgiveness (maghfirah) and pardon (‘afw)  20-09-2021          Question 236863 I heard that the difference between forgiveness and pardon is that forgiveness is when Allah forgives you for sin, but it remains in your record; as for pardon, it is forgiveness for sin, which is then erased from your record as if it never happened. I do not understand how it can remain in your record. Will you be brought to account for it? Is there any prophetic hadith which confirms this? Don’t good deeds erase bad deeds? Doesn’t a lot of praying for forgiveness (istighfaar) erase sins? Answer Praise be to Allah. A number of scholars are of the view that pardon goes further than forgiveness, because ‘afw (pardon) means erasing and maghfirah (forgiveness) means concealing. Abu Haamid al-Ghazaali (may Allah have mercy on h