Rulings on Kasar or shortened prayer or salah as per Quran and hadith.

Salam, my brother. There are certain conditions for the shortened prayer. First of all I will give a reference from Quran about shortened prayers as: "And when you travel throughout the land, there is no blame upon you for shortening the prayer, [especially] if you fear that those who disbelieve may disrupt [or attack] you. Indeed, the disbelievers are ever to you a clear enemy." (Surah no.4 ayyah no. 101) This ayyah shows that it is not obligatory to shorten prayer rather it is a gift and ease from Allah. This point is clear from a Sahih Hadith as: Sunan Abi Dawud 1199: Narrated Ya'la b. Umayyah: I remarked to 'Umar al-Khattab: Have you seen the shortening of the prayer by the people today while Allah has said: "If you fear that those who are infidels may afflict you", whereas those days are gone now? He replied: I have wondered about the same matter for which you wondered. So I mentioned this to the Messenger of Allah (SAW). He said: It is an act ...