
The objective and purpose of human being in this temporal world in Islamic perspective

  Islam: Basic Principles and Characteristics Khurshid Ahmad World Assembly of Muslim Youth Islam is the religion of truth. It is the embodiment of the code of life which Allah, the Creator and Lord of the universe, has revealed for the guidance of mankind. For the proper development of human life, man needs two elements: (a) the resources to maintain life and to fulfill the material needs of the individual and society, and (b) knowledge of the principles of individual and social behavior to enable man to fulfill himself and to maintain justice and tranquillity in human life. The Lord of the universe has provided for both of these in full measure. To cater to the material needs of man, He has put all of nature's resources at his disposal. To provide for his spiritual, social, and cultural needs, He has raised His prophets from among men and has revealed to them the code of life that can guide man's steps to the right path. This code of life is known as Islam, the religion preac

Introduction of Allah and His criterion and attributes.

  The introduction of Allah  1. Allah is one and second to none  2. He doesn't give birth anyone and He is not begotten.  3. He extremely sufficient and affluent.  4. He is unparalleled and nothing is like Him. 5. He is the first and last.  6. He is immortal and everlasting  7. Sleep and dizziness cannot touch Him 8.Tiredness also cannot touch Him.  9.He needs no food 10. He is creator of all in the sky and the earth and between of the two.  11. He the only one single source of knowledge and power and none can overcome Him.  12. He calls human and jinn to the straight path and towards the good deeds.  13. He ultimate justice in dealing judgement and truthful to the promise.  14. He knows the seen and unseen and visible and invisible.  15. He is all knower whether spoken out or kept silent or concealed.  16. He is most merciful and forgiving and pardoning.  17. He the best in planning and architecture.  18. He is hardest in giving punishment.  19. He never forgot  20. He the greates

The historic and extraordinary debate on Quran and Bible in light of Science


The historic and extraordinary debate on Islam and christianity between Dr. Zakir Naik and Dr. William Campbell


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


the story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


the story of converted muslims


the story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


the story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


Concept of God/lord or creator in Islam and Hinduism and christianity

  CONCEPT OF GOD IN CHRISTIANITY, HINDUISM & ISLAM Categorization of Major world religions Religions of the world can be broadly categorized into Semitic religions and non-Semitic religions. Non-Semitic religions can be divide into Aryan and non-Aryan religions. SEMITIC RELIGIONS : Semitic religions are religions that originated among the Semites. According to the Bible, Prophet Noah (pbuh) had a son called Shem. The descendants of Shem are known as Semites. Therefore, Semitic religions are the religions that are originated among the Jews, Arabs etc. Major Semitic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All these religions are Prophetic religions that believe in Divine guidance sent through prophets of God.   NON-SEMITIC RELIGIONS :  The non-Semitic religions are further subdivided into Aryan and non-Aryan religions. Aryan Religions : Aryan religions are the religions that originated among the Aryans, a powerful group of Indo-European speaking people that spread through Iran