Terrorism and violence are prohibited in Islam and peace is focal point of Islam.
Skip to main content x How does Islam Promote Peace in the World? Part 1 Home articles Lifestyle How does Islam Promote Peace in the World? Part 1 10 - Feb - 2021 Lifestyle 4 Min Those who do not know Islam very well and those who follow the propaganda of the media, especially in this period of time when several terrorist attacks have been committed by pseudo-Muslim groups, which do not have anything to do with Islam, accuse Islam of encouraging violence and terror. That is absolutely wrong. Islam is the religion of peace and intrinsically promotes peace. The reasons for that will be reviewed next. Islam Communicates Intersubjectivity The greatest miracle of Islam is the Quran; a Book. Books are among the most efficient and prominent means of connecting thoughts and minds. This means that Islam has chosen a very civilized way of communication with human beings; by having dialogues with them. By the means of t...