The Imam of mosque whether can receive salary or not in islam.
Ads by Muslim Ad Network About Islam Search Toggle Menu Ads by Muslim Ad Network Home Ask the Scholar Prayer Can Mosque Imams Earn a Salary? A A A Can Mosque Imams Earn a Salary? 22 October, 2022 Q As-salamu `alaykum. Can Mosque imams obtain a salary for leading people in Prayer? Is the salary he obtains a halal one? ANSWER Dr. Anwar Dabbour 22 October, 2022 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. In this fatwa: There is nothing wrong that the mosque imams receiving a salary for leading people in Prayer and delivering Friday sermon, Answering your question about mosque imam taking salaries, Dr. Anwar Dabbour , Professor of Shari`ah at the Faculty of Law, Cairo University, states: There is nothing wrong with the imam who delivers the khutbah ( sermon ) in a Mosque obtaining a salary from either the Mosque board or from the government. Ads by Muslim Ad N...