
Showing posts from September 11, 2023

Donation of property to wife in Islam

  Is it permissible for a husband to give a gift to his wife and not to the rest of his heirs?  29-08-2006          Question 72326 Does the wife have the right to ask her husband to transfer half of his personal property to her? The husband is refusing to do that on the grounds that it is a trick to deny the inheritance to those to whom Allaah has granted it. My Lord has been testing me with childlessness for 19 years. He did agree to give me an apartment as an unconditional gift. Please note that I am his only wife and his parents are still alive. Kind Treatment of Spouses Related topic Answer Praise be to Allah. In question no.  72320  you told us that your husband has agreed to put the apartment in your name, and that your mother refused to put the apartment in your husband’s name or your name. We explained that there is no sin on your husband in that, and that your mother has no right to stop him from putting the apartment in your name.  Whatever the case, as your husband has no ot

Disowning child in inheritance in Islam.

  Support IslamQA  Please contribute generously in order to ensure the continuity of our website InshaAllah. Contribute Ruling on differentiating between children in gift-giving  24-10-2001          Question 22169 Is it permissible for me to give something to one of my children and not to his brothers? What if that is done for a reason, such as his good attitude or his obeying his parents? Gifts and Presents Related topic Answer Praise be to Allah. The scholars are agreed that it is prescribed in Islam to treat children fairly when it comes to gift-giving; they should not single out one or some of them and not give to others.  Ibn Qudaamah said in al-Mughni (5/666): “There is no dispute among the scholars that it is mustahabb to treat children equally and that it is makrooh to differentiate between them.”  But there are differences of opinion concerning the ruling on differentiating between them. The strongest views in terms of evidence are two opinions – and Allaah knows best. These t