
Showing posts from March 13, 2025

The soul is unique and known to Allah and unknown to modern science-The concept of the soul is deeply rooted in religious, philosophical, and spiritual traditions, and it holds a central place in many belief systems, including Islam. In Islam, the soul (Arabic: Ruh or Nafs) is considered a profound and mysterious creation of Allah, known fully only to Him. Modern science, while making significant advancements in understanding the brain and consciousness, has not been able to fully explain or define the soul.

  The soul is unique and known to Allah and unknown to modern science The concept of the soul is deeply rooted in religious, philosophical, and spiritual traditions, and it holds a central place in many belief systems, including Islam. In Islam, the soul (Arabic:  Ruh  or  Nafs ) is considered a profound and mysterious creation of Allah, known fully only to Him. Modern science, while making significant advancements in understanding the brain and consciousness, has not been able to fully explain or define the soul. Here’s an exploration of the soul’s uniqueness, its significance in Islam, and its relationship to modern science: 1.  The Soul in Islamic Teachings Creation by Allah : The Quran describes the soul as a creation of Allah, infused into the human body to give it life. In  Surah As-Sajdah (32:9) , Allah says: "Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His spirit (Ruh)." Mystery of the Soul : The Quran explicitly states that the true nature of th...

Validity and rationality of concept of trinity in Christian community in modern time.

  Validity and rationality of concept of trinity in Christian community in modern time The validity and rationality of the concept of the Trinity have been subjects of deep theological reflection, debate, and even controversy within the Christian community and beyond. For Christians, the Trinity is a central doctrine that defines the nature of God, but it is also a concept that has faced criticism and skepticism, both from within and outside the faith. Here’s an exploration of how the Trinity is understood, defended, and sometimes challenged in modern times: 1.  Validity of the Trinity in Christian Theology Biblical Foundations : While the term "Trinity" is not explicitly found in the Bible, Christians argue that the concept is implicitly present in Scripture. Key passages include: Matthew 28:19 : Jesus commands baptism "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." 2 Corinthians 13:14 : The apostolic blessing mentions the grace of Jesus, the l...

What is the explanation of concept of trinity in Christian community in modern time?

  What is the explanation of concept of trinity in Christian community in modern time The concept of the Trinity is one of the most central and complex doctrines in Christianity. It defines God as one Being who exists in three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This concept is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible but has been developed through centuries of theological reflection and debate. In modern times, the Trinity remains a foundational belief for most Christian denominations, though interpretations and emphases may vary. Here’s an explanation of the concept of the Trinity in the modern Christian community: 1.  The Core Belief of the Trinity One God in Three Persons : Christians believe in one God who exists eternally as three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each Person is fully God, yet there is only one God. Unity and Distinction : The three Persons are co-equal, co-eternal, and consubstantial (of the ...