The soul is unique and known to Allah and unknown to modern science-The concept of the soul is deeply rooted in religious, philosophical, and spiritual traditions, and it holds a central place in many belief systems, including Islam. In Islam, the soul (Arabic: Ruh or Nafs) is considered a profound and mysterious creation of Allah, known fully only to Him. Modern science, while making significant advancements in understanding the brain and consciousness, has not been able to fully explain or define the soul.
The soul is unique and known to Allah and unknown to modern science The concept of the soul is deeply rooted in religious, philosophical, and spiritual traditions, and it holds a central place in many belief systems, including Islam. In Islam, the soul (Arabic: Ruh or Nafs ) is considered a profound and mysterious creation of Allah, known fully only to Him. Modern science, while making significant advancements in understanding the brain and consciousness, has not been able to fully explain or define the soul. Here’s an exploration of the soul’s uniqueness, its significance in Islam, and its relationship to modern science: 1. The Soul in Islamic Teachings Creation by Allah : The Quran describes the soul as a creation of Allah, infused into the human body to give it life. In Surah As-Sajdah (32:9) , Allah says: "Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His spirit (Ruh)." Mystery of the Soul : The Quran explicitly states that the true nature of th...