Shirk and Bidaah in Tableague Jamat recommended book Fazile Amal.

Dear Muslim brother's all over the world. I have came with a news for You. don't know how will you people react After Getting this news.Here is something that you need to know about the Islamic Book Fazail e Amal. The News is about Tablighi Jamaat's Book Fazail e Amal , What are they teaching in their book ? Looks like many in this sub-continent Bangladesh,Pakistan & India Tabligh jamaat is very popular and getting more popular. Tablighi jamaat's book fazail e amal truth exposed. Now the question is what's wrong with their books ? Is Tablighi jamaat teaching Shirk/bid'ah in their book Fazail e Amal ? I will not give you the full answer, as i am just a Ordinary muslim, I do not have much knowledge about quran & Hadith. But as a muslim many of us have knowledge about what is Shirk and what is bid'ah. I will show you some referrance from the book Fazail e Amal about what they have written in their...