Is Quran allowable to read in all states without ablution?
Is Quran allowable to read in all states without ablution? This verse itself allows all to read Quran in all states without ablution- “ Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the purified.” [Quran, 56: 77-79] “ Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the purified.” [Quran, 56: 77-79] this verses are applicable to the version of Quran kept in Lahe Mahfuze but no not applicable to the version of Quran we read in the world because In the verse Allah declared that None touch it except the purified but in reality we see that the version of Quran we read in the world is touched by purified muslims and non purified muslim and people of hindu, christian, jews, Buddist and atheists. If we think that this verses are applicable to the copy of Quran we read in the World, then the declaration of Allah will be proved false Allah says that none except purified touches the Quran but actually worldly ...