Aadaab or etiquettes before and during recitation of The Quran:

Aadaab or etiquettes before and during recitation of The Quran:

 Special attention was given to the Quran since the time of Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him. The Honorable Sahabah (companions) were also very keen on reciting the Quran and learning the “Aaadaab” (etiquettes) related to this Noble Book. The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him recommended that we complete the recitation in no more than 30 days, and not less than 7 days, with an absolute minimum of 3 days if someone is capable of doing so.

There are no obligatory rituals before reading the Noble Quran, except for having Wudoo’ (or ablution) if the recitation is done directly from the Holy Book.

There are however, additional “Aadaab” (or etiquettes) which the Muslim is recommended to do, in order to maximize the reward and the benefit from the recitation. Here are the main “Aadaab”; with the first 3 points being mandatory:

1- Wudoo’ (or ablution): if the recitation is from the Mushaf (book), the reciter must have wudoo’. The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him instructed that “Only a clean person should touch the Mushaf.” However, if one is reciting from his or her memory, then Wudoo’ is not mandatory. The Quran orders us: “Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the purified.” [Quran, 56: 77-79]

2- Purity of clothes: of course, being on a state of Wudoo’ mandates that the clothes must be pure and free from any najaasah (impurities). It’s also recommended that the clothes be clean (not sweaty for example). This also means that the place must be clean.

3- Intention: have a sincere Intention to benefit, heed the lessons, and seek the reward from Allah.

4- Siwak: cleaning the teeth, wither with siwak, or with toothbrush.

5- Face Qibla: if possible, it’s recommended to face the Qibla, although this is not a condition.

6- Holding the Quran with the right hand above the waist. Attention should be paid not to place the Quran on the floor for example, even when reciting.

7- Starting with Isti’aazah and Basmalah, except for Surat Al-Tawbah, where only “Isti’aazah” is said.

“Audhu Billahi mina-Shaitan-nir-Rajeem”

Translation:“I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the Accursed.”

8- Applying the “Tajweed” Rules: with correct Arabic pronunciation, while observing the “Makhaarij Al huroof” (source of letter pronunciation) as much as possible.

9- Beautifying the voice while reciting the Quran.

10- Reciting with a slow pace: this allows the reciter to pay attention to the meaning of the verses and heed the lessons.

11- Reciting with tadabbur (reflection) and Khushoo’ (humility and fearful heart) while reflecting on the meanings of the verses, and making the appropriate du’a related to the particular context of the verse. For example:

Ask Allah SWT for His Mercy when reciting the verses related to Mercy,

Seeking refuge in Allah when reciting the verses of punishment or Hellfire asking for Jabbar

12- Following the signs of Tilawah: this includes:

  • Making “Sujood al Tilawah” (prostration of Tilawah) in the 15 specified verses of the Quran. Sujood al Tilawah” is a confirmed Sunnah (Sunnah Mu’akkadah) which should not be skipped.
  • Pausing where there is a sign for mandatory or recommended pauses
  • Continuing recitation where there is a sign to for mandatory or recommended continuation

13- Avoiding Talking while reciting, unless it’s necessary

14- Praising Allah SWT upon completion: It is common for Muslims to say upon completing the recitation of the Quran: “Sadaqa Allahu-l-Azeem” which means: “Allah The Greatest spoke the truth.” However, it was reported by ‘Aisha, May Allah Be Pleased with her, that the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him never say in a gathering, and never recited Quran, and never performed a prayer except that he concluded with:

سُبْحَانَكَ [اللَّهُمَّ] وَبِحَمْدِكَ، لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ، أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ ) ([1]).

“Subhaanaka Allahumma Wa Bihamdika, Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta, Astaghfiruka Wa Atoobu Ilayka.” (Narrated by Imam Muslim and Imam Al-Tabaran)i. Which means: “Exalted are You, O Allah, All Praise is due to You, There is no deity except You, I seek Your Forgiveness, and I repent to You.”

These were the main “Aadaab” to be observed and followed in order to recite the Holy Quran and during the recitation.

May Allah SWT accept from all, and guide us always to act upon the teachings of the Quran.


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