
The surprising similarities and difference between Islam and Christianity.

        English » THE SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITY (PART 1 OF 2): THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT Rating: A- A A+ Description:   Islam and Christianity  are thought of as two monolithic religions.  This is an explanation of what Islam and Christianity believe about the Scriptures, the Prophets and the Trinity. CATEGORY: Articles   Comparative Religion   Christianity By  Aisha Stacey  (© 2017 Published on  15 May 2017 Last modified on  20 Jan 2020 Printed:  44 Viewed:  44638 (daily average: 21) Rating:  Not rated yet Rated by:  0 Emailed:  0 Commented on:  0 33 According to the Pew Research Centre [1]   Islam is currently the second largest religion in the world after Christianity.  If the demographic trends continue Islam is expected to overtake Christianity before the end of the 21 st  century.  The state of the world today makes it easy to imagine two giant entities facing off against one another but that is simply not the case.  There are man