
Imam Ghazzali was derailed from Islam and was confused and joined derailed path of Sufism.

  Al-Ghazzaali was Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Toosi, who was known as al-Ghazzaali. He was born in Toos in 450 AH. His father used to spin wool and sell it in his shop in Toos.  The life of al-Ghazzaali needs to be discussed at length because he went through a number of stages. He indulged in philosophy, then he recanted and rejected that. After that he indulged in what is known as ‘ilm al-kalaam (Islamic philosophy) and gained a sound grasp of its basic principles; then he rejected that after it became clear to him that it was corrupt and filled with contradictions. He was focusing on ‘ilm al-kalaam during the period when he refuted philosophy, and at that time he was given the title of Hujjat al-Islam, after he had refuted the arguments of the philosophers. Then he recanted ‘ilm al-kalaam and turned away from it. He followed the path of the Baatiniyyah (esotericists) and learned their knowledge, but then he rejected that and showed the beliefs of the Baatiniyyah

The forbidden Rumi – Jalaluddin Rumi EXPOSED.

  The forbidden Rumi – Jalaluddin Rumi EXPOSED Rumi was a kafir mushrik Date:  July 1, 2017 Author:  path2jannah 0  Comments A very rude and disrespectful poem.  Shocking! Quoting Rumi’s poem:  P125-127, poem 31. “ What is to be done, O Moslems? for I do not recognize myself.  I am neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Gabr, nor Moslem.  I am not of the East, nor of the West, nor of the land, nor of the sea;  I am not of Nature’s mint, nor of the circling’ heavens.  I am not of earth, nor of water, nor of air, nor of fire;  I am not of the empyrean, nor of the dust, nor of existence, nor of entity.  I am not of India, nor of China, nor of Bulgaria, nor of Saqsin  I am not of the kingdom of ‘Iraqain, nor of the country of Khorasan  I am not of the this world, nor of the next, nor of Paradise, nor of Hell  I am not of Adam, nor of Eve, nor of Eden and Rizwan.  My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless ;  ‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved.  I have pu

Quran recitation


The story of reverted muslim


The story of reverted muslims.


The amaging story of reverted muslims.


Shirk and Bidaah in Tableague Jamat recommended book Fazile Amal.

  Dear Muslim brother's all over the world. I have came with a news for You. don't know how will you people react After Getting this news.Here is something that you need to know about the Islamic Book Fazail e Amal.  The News is about Tablighi Jamaat's Book Fazail e Amal , What are they teaching in their book ? Looks like many in this sub-continent Bangladesh,Pakistan & India Tabligh jamaat is very popular and getting more popular. Tablighi jamaat's book fazail e amal truth exposed.   Now the question is what's wrong with their books ?  Is Tablighi jamaat teaching Shirk/bid'ah in their book Fazail e Amal   ?  I will not give you the full answer, as i am just a Ordinary muslim, I do not have much knowledge about quran & Hadith. But as a muslim many of us have knowledge about what is Shirk and what is bid'ah.  I will show you some referrance from the book  Fazail e Amal about what they have written in their Book. Please Share this post and Let Other