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The forbidden Rumi – Jalaluddin Rumi EXPOSED.


The forbidden Rumi – Jalaluddin Rumi EXPOSED Rumi was a kafir mushrik

A very rude and disrespectful poem.  Shocking!

Quoting Rumi’s poem:  P125-127, poem 31.

What is to be done, O Moslems? for I do not recognize myself. 
I am neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Gabr, nor Moslem. 
I am not of the East, nor of the West, nor of the land, nor of the sea; 
I am not of Nature’s mint, nor of the circling’ heavens. 
I am not of earth, nor of water, nor of air, nor of fire; 
I am not of the empyrean, nor of the dust, nor of existence, nor of entity. 
I am not of India, nor of China, nor of Bulgaria, nor of Saqsin 
I am not of the kingdom of ‘Iraqain, nor of the country of Khorasan 
I am not of the this world, nor of the next, nor of Paradise, nor of Hell 
I am not of Adam, nor of Eve, nor of Eden and Rizwan. 
My place is the Placeless, my trace is the Traceless ; 
‘Tis neither body nor soul, for I belong to the soul of the Beloved. 
I have put duality away, I have seen that the two worlds are one; 
One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call. 
He is the first, He is the last, He is the outward, He is the inward; 
I know none other except ‘Ya Hu’ and ‘Ya man Hu.’ 
I am intoxicated with Love’s cup, the two worlds have passed out of my ken; 
I have no business save carouse and revelry. 
If once in my life I spent a moment without thee, 
From that time and from that hour I repent of my life. 
If once in this world I win a moment with thee, 
I will trample on both worlds, I will dance in triumph for ever. 
O Shamsi Tabriz, I am so drunken in this world, 
That except of drunkenness and revelry I have no tale to tell  ”

Comment: What is it except clear Kufr and departure from the religion of Islam. Someone writes he is not a Muslim, and people describe him as a Muslim mystic, and Allah’s religion has nothing to do with Rumi’s writings. Anyone reading the Glorious Quran will see that the religion of Islam as preached by the ¨Prophet (saw) has nothing to do with this fabricated religion by misguided Sufis.   In the second half of this poem, initially the reader may think Rumi is glorifying Allah, but in the end it’s discovered that Rumi is actually thinking of Shamsi Tabriz.

Quoting Rumi’s poem:  P 147-149, poem  147, in this long poem, below are some sentences:

O thou whose command Hell and Paradise obey,
Thou art making Paradise like Hell-fire to me: do not so.
In thy plot of sugar-canes I am secure from poison;
Thou minglest the poison with the sugar: do not so,
My soul is like a fiery furnace, yet it sufficed thee not
By absence thou art making my face pale as gold: do not so.” 

Comment: For these misguided Batinis Sufis, Paradise and Hell is a plot or a frame of mind and in reality none of these exist.

More on Rumi’s abnormal obsession and fantasy with Shamsi Tabriz:

Quoting Rumi’s poem:  P 163-165: Poem 41.

I saw my Beloved wandering about the house:
Ha had taken up a rebeck and was playing a tune.
With a touch like fire he was playing a sweet melody,
Drunken and distraught and bewitching from the night’s carouse.
He was invoking the cup-bearer in the mode of ‘Iraq:
Wine was his object, the cup-bearer was only an excuse.
The beauteous cup-bearer, pitcher in hand,
Stepped forth from a recess and placed it in the middle.
He filled the first cup with that sparkling wine-
Didst thou ever see water set on fire?
For the sake of those in love he passed it from hand to hand,
Then bowed and kissed the lintel.
My beloved received it from him, and quaffed the wine:
Instantly o’er his face and heard ran flashes of flame.
Meanwhile he was regarding his own beauty and saying to the evil eye,
‘There has not been nor will be in this age another like me. I am the Divine Sun of the world, I am the Beloved of lovers,
Soul and spirit are continually moving before me.”

Comment: The words “Divine Sun” (Shamsul Haqq) refer to Rumi’s teacher Shams Tabriz, and also in poem 64 p 175-177, the last sentences are:

From the Sun (Shams) who is the glory of Tabriz seekFUTURE bliss,
For he is a sun, possessing all kinds of knowledge, on the spiritual throne.”Also in the introduction, Nicholson told that sometimes Rumi is ambiguous in referring to his teacher, Shams Tabriz, as being Allah, and he quoted the end of one of the poem of Divan (T. 180. 2) finishing with sentence:

That monarch supreme had shut the door fast;
To-day he has come to the door, clothed in the garment of mortality “

Note: Divan T is the Tabriz Edition published version in 1280 AH, and his editor is Riza Kuli Khan, with the nom de plume Hidayat, and he is an authority of Persian history and literature.


In his appendix 1, Nicholson quoted a poem of Rumi from his “Divan” T.257.11a:

I have circled awhile with the nine fathers in each heaven,
For years I have revolved with the stars in their signs.
I was invisible awhile, I was united with Him,
I was in the kingdom of “or nearer”, I saw what I have seen.
I have my nourishment from God, like a child in the womb;
Man is born once, I have been born many times.
Clothed in the mantle of corporal limbs, I have busied myself often with affairs,
And often I have rent this mantle with my own hands.
I have passed nights with ascetics in the monastery,
I have slept with infidels before the idols in the pagoda.
I am the theft of rogues, I am the pain of the sick,
I am both cloud and rain, I have remained in the meadows.
Never did the dust of annihilation settle on my skirt, O dervish!
I have gathered a wealth of roses in the meadow and garden of eternity.
I am not of water nor fire, I am not of the forward wind;
I am not moulded clay: I have mocked them all.
O son, I am not Shamsi Tabriz, I am the pure Light;
If thou seest me, beware! Tell it not to any, that thou hast seen.”

Comment:  So this shows that behind Shams Tabriz, there was divine light according to Rumi, and Shams Tabriz told him not to tell this to anyone, that he was not Shams Tabriz but Allah in human clothes.  Allahul Musta’an.  What kufr is greater than this? These people clearly write their true creed and they hide it in most places and propagate it under the name of Islam in order to convert people to their fabricated religion. But their creed has nothing to do with the pure religion of Allah. May Allah protect us from this great danger.


“The Forbidden Rumi” written by Will Johnson and Nevit Ergin is a translation of the 23th and last part of the “Divan” of Jalal ud Din Rumi. One can read in the book many poems of heresy and unity of religions:

P 157 in the poem “Everyone is welcome to This school”, Rumi writes about unity if religions:

Muslim, Christian, Jew, Zoroastrian:
All are welcome here

P 159 in the poem “A stranger to myself” Rumi explains this further by brazenly supporting disbelief and disloyalty.

Islam and other faiths
have all come around so recently
yet Love has no beginning or end.
You can’t call the unbeliever an infidel
if he’s been the latest victim of love

In the poem “I am the One” Rumi shows his belief in Wahdatul Wujud

I became the One
whose name everybody takes an oath to.

I became Jesus to the moon.
I rose up and passed through the sky
I am the drunk Moses.
God himself lives inside this patched cloak.

I am crazy, insane, drunk out of mind
I don’t listen to advice and deserve to be locked up

hen he says at the end of this poem:

When Muhammad sees me drunk, my face pale,
he kisses my eyes, then I prostrate before him.

I am today’s Muhammad,
but not the Muhammad of the past
I am the phoenix of the time


P 154 in the last two sentences of the poem “You can’t get away”  Rumi calls people to become heretics (kuffar).  He refers that Islam is not a religion of truth and unless one is a kuffar, one cannot come close to Islam, saying :

If you don’t act like a heretic
you can’t reach the truth in Islam

Comment: This is a pure lie on the pure religion of Islam.  Never did any Prophet, nor his family or any of his close companions acted like heretics, rather this is the satanic saying of these misguided Sufis and their religion of heresy.

It’s amazing the hard line ignorance some people carry in the name of “”appreciating poetry”” which consequently is equated with “intellectualism.”

Here is another line from one of Rumi’s works. It’s from some other collection, not that banned one. Yet it smells so foul that the stench would travel half way across the globe. It was quoted by someone at Facebook who obviously appreciates it. Read this line and it literally stinks of waywardness and kufr. Yet dark minds don’t get it and keep repeating “MashAllah” like a broken record.

“All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing? I have no idea. My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there. — Rumi”

Will any human being who has embraced Tawheed (Monotheism), has love for Allah The One and Only ever write this way? All those aspects on which Rumi has flatly cast doubts have been clearly and articulately confirmed and explained in the Noble Quran leaving no room for uncertainties or confusion. Unfortunately Rumi had no faith in the Almighty, not even the slightest of respect for Him.

Rumi pimps and cheerleaders try to cover up such depravity with their usual platitudes … “”oh, open up your mind …. you don’t understand him .. he doesn’t mean what you are thinking … he was a profound thinker .. his thoughts went deep in the remembrance of God …..”” and so on. These intellectual frauds who try to dupe others only dupe themselves as did Rumi himself. There’s nothing deep about this cheap repugnance. Heathens like Richard Dawkins and his co-thinkers will definitely love Rumi.

Only Allah knows how many people this man has misguided and is continuing to misguide.
This shameless lowlife wasn’t a normal person. And you know, the moronic people made his shrine a place of pilgrimage which is shirk akbar and kufr akbar. Only Allah knows how many people kafir Rumi corrupted into disbelief and depravity.
The big question here is, why is Rumi’s biggest diwan, “Diwan-e-Sham Tabrizi” banned in all countries with muslim population? Some portions of that diwan are given in this blog which ought to be self-explanatory for any person with an ounce of gray matter in their head along with a shred of conscience. That old man indulged in shirk, and he also claimed all religions to be the same which means he did not differentiate Monotheism (Tawheed) from polytheism which is apostasy, kufr and a very shameful attitude to say the very least! As if all this isn’t bad enough, he also indulged in same gender relations with his own teacher of all persons and that was Tabrizi. To make matters still worse, instead of keeping all his deviant ideas & lewd desires personal to himself, he displayed them publicly in long and sickening poems stuffed inside Diwan-e-Shams Tabrizi. No wonder it was a shock and embarrassment to Muslim academics when they found it. They turned red-faced with shame and soon this depraved Diwan was shoved under the rug. The academics mulled through Rumi’s entire literary works and nit-picked plenty of racy, bawdy and x-rated stuff in which Rumi tried to decorate profanity with metaphors, behaving like a complete prostitute. He was a real offensive bugger.
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