
Is Quran allowable to read in all states without ablution?

Is Quran allowable to read in all states without ablution?  This verse itself allows all to read Quran in all states without ablution- “ Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the purified.”  [Quran, 56: 77-79]   “ Indeed, it is a noble Qur’an. In a Register well-protected; None touch it except the purified.” [Quran, 56: 77-79] this verses are applicable to the version of Quran kept in Lahe Mahfuze but no not applicable to the version of Quran we read in the world because In the verse Allah declared that None touch it except the purified but in reality we see that the version of Quran we read in the world is touched by purified muslims and non purified muslim and people of hindu, christian, jews, Buddist and atheists. If we think that this verses are applicable to the copy of Quran we read in the World, then the declaration of Allah will be proved false Allah says that none except purified touches the Quran but actually worldly copy is touche

Aadaab or etiquettes before and during recitation of The Quran:

Aadaab or etiquettes before and during recitation of The Quran:   Special attention was given to the Quran since the time of Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him. The Honorable Sahabah (companions) were also very keen on reciting the Quran and learning the “Aaadaab” (etiquettes) related to this Noble Book. The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him recommended that we complete the recitation in no more than 30 days, and not less than 7 days, with an absolute minimum of 3 days if someone is capable of doing so. There are  no obligatory rituals before reading the Noble Quran, except for having Wudoo’ (or ablution) if the recitation is done directly from the Holy Book. There are however, additional “Aadaab” (or etiquettes) which the Muslim is recommended to do, in order to maximize the reward and the benefit from the recitation. Here are the main “Aadaab”; with the first 3 points being mandatory: 1-  Wudoo ’ (or ablution): if the recitation is from the Mushaf (book), the reciter must have wudoo’. The Pr

Secularism versus Islam, Totally contradictory to each other.

  Islam vs. Secularism Secularism is defined in the Webster dictionary as: "A system of doctrines and practices that rejects any form of religious faith and worship" or "The belief that religion and ecclesiastical affairs should not enter into the function of the state especially into public education." There is no doubt that secularism contradicts Islam in every aspect. They are two different paths that never meet; choosing one means rejecting the other. Hence, whoever chooses Islam has to reject secularism. In the following, we go in the details of explaining why. 1- First, secularism makes lawful what Allah has made unlawful. The Rule of Allah (Shari`ah) is compulsory and has basic laws and regulations that cannot be changed. Some of these laws are concerned with the acts of worship, the relations between men and women, etc. What is the position with regard to these laws? Secularism makes adultery lawful if the male and the female are consenting adults. As for Ri

Secularism is corrupted and misleading anti Islam concept inventented by atheist and disbelivers.

  Support IslamQA  Please contribute generously in order to ensure the continuity of our website InshaAllah. Contribute Schools of Thought and Sects Related topic What is secularism?  03-06-2014          Question 121550 What is secularism? Answer Praise be to Allah. Secularism is a new philosophy and a corrupt movement which aims to separate religion from the state, and focuses on worldly matters, and worldly desires and pleasures; it makes this world the only goal in life, and forgets and ignores the Hereafter. It pays no attention to deeds pertaining to the Hereafter. The words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) may be applied to the secularist: “Wretched is the slave of the dinar and the slave of the dirham and the slave of the khameesah (a kind of luxurious garment made of wool with patterns). If he is given he is pleased and if he is not given he becomes discontent. May he be wretched and doomed, and if he is pricked with a thorn may it not be pulled out (i.

The short film USA marine soldier who wanted to kill Muslims but eventually he became muslim .


Differences between pardon and forgiveness.

  Support IslamQA  Please contribute generously in order to ensure the continuity of our website InshaAllah. Contribute Names and Attributes of Allaah Related topic The difference between forgiveness (maghfirah) and pardon (‘afw)  20-09-2021          Question 236863 I heard that the difference between forgiveness and pardon is that forgiveness is when Allah forgives you for sin, but it remains in your record; as for pardon, it is forgiveness for sin, which is then erased from your record as if it never happened. I do not understand how it can remain in your record. Will you be brought to account for it? Is there any prophetic hadith which confirms this? Don’t good deeds erase bad deeds? Doesn’t a lot of praying for forgiveness (istighfaar) erase sins? Answer Praise be to Allah. A number of scholars are of the view that pardon goes further than forgiveness, because ‘afw (pardon) means erasing and maghfirah (forgiveness) means concealing. Abu Haamid al-Ghazaali (may Allah have mercy on h

can a woman be lawyer?


Surprised health and spiritual benefits of fasting in Ramadan.

  Realbuzz Logo Skip Navigation Search Toggle Site Navigation Nutrition   7 Surprising Health Benef... HEALTHY EATING 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Ramadan Realbuzz Team 4 minute read Worried that fasting during Ramadan will have a detrimental impact on health? Find out why the month long fast can have some surprising health benefits. Although millions around the world have successfully observed the spiritual cleansing of Ramadan for more than a thousand years, some people fear that fasting over such a long period time will have detrimental effects on their health. If you’re one of those worriers, then check out these seven health benefits you’ll enjoy during and after Ramadan. If you want to work on your health even more in Ramadan, why not enter  Penny Appeal’s Let’s MOVE – Save Lives Ramadan Active challenge ? 1 Dates Although three dates are eaten at the start of Iftar every day during Ramadan for spiritual reasons, they also come with the added bonus of multiple health benefits.