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Surprised health and spiritual benefits of fasting in Ramadan.

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7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Ramadan

Worried that fasting during Ramadan will have a detrimental impact on health? Find out why the month long fast can have some surprising health benefits.

Although millions around the world have successfully observed the spiritual cleansing of Ramadan for more than a thousand years, some people fear that fasting over such a long period time will have detrimental effects on their health. If you’re one of those worriers, then check out these seven health benefits you’ll enjoy during and after Ramadan.

If you want to work on your health even more in Ramadan, why not enter Penny Appeal’s Let’s MOVE – Save Lives Ramadan Active challenge?



Although three dates are eaten at the start of Iftar every day during Ramadan for spiritual reasons, they also come with the added bonus of multiple health benefits. One of the most important aspects of fasting is getting the right amount of energy, and considering an average serving of dates contains 31 grams (just over 1 oz) of carbohydrates, this is one of the perfect foods to give you a boost.

Dates are also a great way of getting some much-needed fibre, which will aid and improve digestion throughout Ramadan. Add to that their high levels of potassium, magnesium and B vitamins, and it quickly becomes apparent that dates are one of the healthiest fruits out there.


Boost Your Brain

No doubt you’ll be aware of the positive effects fasting can have on your mental wellbeing and spiritual focus, but the brain-boosting powers of Ramadan are even more significant than you might think. A study carried out by scientists in the USA found that the mental focus achieved during Ramadan increases the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which causes the body to produce more brain cells, thus improving brain function.

Likewise, a distinct reduction in the amount of the hormone cortisol, produced by the adrenal gland, means that stress levels are greatly reduced both during and after Ramadan.


Ditch Bad Habits

Because you will be fasting during the day, Ramadan is the perfect time to ditch your bad habits for good. Vices such as smoking and sugary foods should not be indulged during Ramadan, and as you abstain from them your body will gradually acclimatise to their absence, until your addiction is kicked for good.

It’s also much easier to quit habits when you do so in a group, which should be easy to find during Ramadan. Fasting’s ability to help you cut out bad habits is so significant that the UK’s National Health Service recommends it as the ideal time to ditch smoking.


Lower Cholesterol

We all know that weight loss is one of the possible physical outcomes of fasting during Ramadan, but there’s also a whole host of healthy changes going on behind the scenes. A team of cardiologists in the UAE found that people observing Ramadan enjoy a positive effect on their lipid profile, which means there is a reduction of cholesterol in the blood.

Low cholesterol increases cardiovascular health, greatly reducing the risk of suffering from heart disease, a heart attack, or a stroke. What’s more, if you follow a healthy diet after Ramadan, this newly lowered cholesterol level should be easy to maintain.


Lasting Appetite Reduction

One of the main problems with extreme fad diets is that any weight lost is often quickly put back on, sometimes even with a little added extra. This isn’t the case with Ramadan. The reduction in food consumed throughout fasting causes your stomach to gradually shrink, meaning you’ll need to eat less food to feel full.

If you want to get into the habit of healthy eating then Ramadan is a great time to start. When it’s finished your appetite will be lower than it was before, and you’ll be far less likely to overindulge with your eating.



As well as being great for spiritually cleansing yourself, Ramadan acts as a fantastic detox for your body. By not eating or drinking throughout the day your body will be offered the rare chance to detoxify your digestive system throughout the month.

When your body starts eating into fat reserves to create energy, it will also burn away any harmful toxins that might be present in fat deposits. This body cleanse will leave a healthy blank slate behind, and is the perfect stepping stone to a consistently healthy lifestyle.


Absorb More Nutrients

By not eating throughout the day during Ramadan you’ll find that your metabolism becomes more efficient, meaning the amount of nutrients you absorb from food improves. This is because of an increase in a hormone called adiponectin, which is produced by a combination of fasting and eating late at night, and allows your muscles to absorb more nutrients.

This will lead to health benefits all around the body, as various areas are able to better absorb and make use of the nutrients they need to function.

What is the Importance of Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic Hijri Calendar and is a month of fasting, repentance, and good deeds. Fasting in Ramadan upholds Sawm, one of the Pillars of Islam, which means ‘to fast’.

In this month, fasting is compulsory for every sane, non-disabled Muslim adult. Those who are excused from fasting are children who have not yet reached puberty, women who are menstruating, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, the frail and elderly, the ill, those on medication and those who are unable to fast due to health or other valid reasons.

Ramadan was the month in which Angel Jibrael revealed the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who was reflecting in the Cave of Hira. The first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq were revealed, which hold great importance to Muslims. The translation of these verses is, ‘Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Created man from a clinging substance. Recite, and your Lord is the most generous. Who taught by the pen. Taught man that which he knew not.’

There are a number of hadiths mentioning Ramadan which show its significance, such as, “When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

What are the Spiritual Benefits of Fasting during Ramadan?

One spiritual benefit of fasting during Ramadan is that it increases a person’s Taqwa. This refers to awareness of Allah (SWT), and this is important to ensure one takes care in their endeavours in order to please Allah (SWT).

Fasting during Ramadan is also a way of investing in our Akhira (afterlife). Fasting holds great rewards, especially when done so with pure intentions. There are eight gates to Jannah, one of which is Ar-Rayyan, which will only be entered by those who fasted in this life for the sake of Allah (SWT).

What are the Health Benefits of Fasting during Ramadan?

There are several health benefits of fasting during Ramadan. Fasting improves the digestive system and flushes out toxins from the body. Therefore, while fasting spiritually cleanses the soul, fasting also physically cleanses the body from toxins. Fasting also reduces stress, prevents life-long illnesses like cancer, improves mood and increases alertness, as well as having many other benefits.

When is Ramadan 2023?

Ramadan 2023 is expected to begin on Wednesday 22 March, and end on Saturday 22 April. These dates may slightly change depending on the sighting of the moon.

What To Do in Ramadan


1 comment
  • Hamed
    Hamed5 years ago

    I believe that the risk of dehydration as a resulting of not drinking for an average of 16 hours particularly in a hot weather would cast doubt over some of the benefits mentioned here. Could you please mention the reference for the study carried out by scientists in the USA showing that fasting in Ramadan will causes the body to produce more brain cells, thus improving brain function. Could you also mention the reference for item number 6 where it is claimed that by not eating or drinking throughout the day your body will be offered the rare chance to detoxify your digestive system throughout the month. I'm curious to know how not drinking water can be helpful here.
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