Truth vs. Fact: Is there any difference?


Truth vs. Fact: is there a difference?

People, much smarter than I, have tried to answer this question, some believe they were right, others not so much! But I guess the “believe” part could be a topic we talk about later.

Just note that we are NOT discussing scientific meanings today, here are some definitions:

  1. fact is something that's indisputable, based on empirical research and quantifiable measures. Facts go beyond theories. They're proven through calculation and experience, or they're something that definitively occurred in the past. Truth is entirely different; it may include fact, but it can also include belief. By Larry Walsh
  2. Facts are not decided by how many believe them. Truth is not determined by how loudly it is shouted. Source from “Thought Bubbles” – not sure who the author is. 

But I think American novelist Mr. Billy Faulkner said it best:

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Here’s a personal story about truth vs. fact ---- Several years ago, I was on my way to work in the morning, like I did every day, driving from my home Motor City (in Dubai) to Dubai Knowledge Village (where my office was). I saw a car that swerved quickly to the side of the road, smoke coming out of the engine, and an elderly lady trying to get out as fast as she could. I parked right behind her, grabbed my fire extinguisher, ran to her car, popped the hood, and sprayed the engine. It was a hot Dubai summer’s day; temperature was around 45+ degrees Celsius and her car overheated from some reason (I’m not a car mechanic!) and a flame started in the engine. Anyway, fire was out, police and emergency response came few minutes later and I went on my way to the office – never heard of or saw that woman again.

That morning, we had an important staff meeting… I arrived 15 minutes late. My boss at the time, literally, went ballistic on me and gave me his infamous “arriving late” speech with one phrase that stuck to my mind till this day… “early is on time, on time is late, and late is NOT acceptable”. Well, this is a kosher abbreviation, his sentences had significant profanity in them! 😁

I will remember this phrase for as long as I live.

Why did I tell you the story?

  • The fact? I was 15 minutes late to an important meeting.
  • The truth? I was late because I helped an elderly lady.

I didn’t tell my boss or anyone else in that meeting why I was late. It would not have made a difference. I was late, period. It didn’t matter that my actions stopped a car from possibly bursting into flames or someone getting hurt, even though that WAS the truth. The fact remained; I was late.

Is it right? Is it wrong? Who the heck knows?

As yours truly once said:

"This is like life; and trying to understand life is like trying to straighten out spaghetti!!!" 😁😎

Well folks, this was my Verbal Breakdown for this week. Have a great week and see you in the next one.

Till then, keep it safe, keep it real, and keep it simple.


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