
The procedure of selecting leader for governing the nation and country in Islam

  Skip to main content Toggle navigation Imamate And Leadership Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari TABLE OF CONTENTS ▼ 18 minutes read Lesson 24: The Method of Choosing the Imam or Leader One of the topics which have been constantly under discussion among Muslims since the very rise of Islam is the question of selecting the Imam or the Leader; it is in fact this question that brought about the division of the ummah into Shi'ah and Sunni. The Shi'ah are committed to the principle that the right to designate the Imam belongs exclusively to God, and that the people have no role to play in this respect. It is the Creator alone Who selects the Imam and identifies him to the people by means of the Prophet. The attachment of the Shi'ah to this understanding of the Imamate, and the attention they have Lavished on the belief that God and the Prophet alone may choose the Imam who serves as God's proof in each age, spring, however, from a profound respect for the rights and dignity of man

The quran and morality in human life


The Quran and modern Science are compatible or not.


The quran is flawless and no edition was, is ,will be required from the inception to the final destruction of the whole universe a unique miracle.

    Search In:           Skip to content The Qur'an - A Unique Miracle  BY:  SIRAJ ISLAM MUFTI    SOURCE:  ISLAMICITY    APR 6, 2022   5 COMMENTS MENU The Qur'an severally challenges its critics that it is not composed by any human but is the word of God, the Glorified, and Exalted. This challenge is first given in the following verses: " Or do they say , 'He fabricated the Message'? Nay, they have no faith! Let them then produce a recital like unto it -If it be they speak the Truth " ( Al Tur 52:33-34 ). This challenge is given not only to deniers at the time of its revelation, but is addressed for all times to those who deny its divine origins. It was repeated three more times in Mecca and for the last time in Medina (for this see  Yunus 10:37 ;  Hud 11:13 ;  Bani Israel 17:88 ;  Al Baqarah 2:23 ). And the fact is that no one could respond to it either at that time or ever since. Some critics respond that this applies not only to the Qur'an but to all gr