
List of war or battles led by prophet SWS.

List of expeditions of Muhammad Article   Talk Language Download PDF Watch Edit The  list of expeditions of Muhammad  includes the expeditions undertaken by the Muslim community during the lifetime of the Islamic prophet  Muhammad . Some sources use the word  ghazwa  and a related plural  maghazi  in a narrow technical sense to refer to the expeditions in which Muhammad took part, while using the word  sariyya  (pl.  saraya ) for those early Muslim expeditions where he was not personally present. [1]  Other sources use the terms  ghazwa  and  maghazi  generically to refer to both types of expeditions. [2] Early Islamic sources contain significant divergences in the chronology of expeditions. [2]  Unless noted otherwise, the dates given in this list are based on  Muhammad at Medina  by  Montgomery Watt , who in turn follows the chronology proposed by  Leone Caetani . [3] List of expeditions edit Type legend    expeditions in which Muhammad took part (28)    expeditions in which Muhammad