
Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


Quran Recitation and tilwat.


One lord is best and blessing than many lords.

  From a practicing Hindu, Girish KS Udupa to a practicing Muslim Muhammad Ishaaq, who now devotes his time giving dawah to non muslims. Muhammad Ishaaq, an upper caste Hindu, narrates his story about his conversion to Islam.I was born and brought up in an upper-class Hindu Brahmin family of priests in Udupi, Karnataka, India, a city known for its temples. My learning of Hindu scriptures commenced at an early age through a teacher where I noticed many contradictions and began questioning but could not get any satisfying answers nor the meaning of the scriptures. Such a beginning early in life made me search for the truth about right religion.Owing to my persistent questions, my parents on the advice of religious heads transferred me to an Aashram, to become a Hindu priest. After joining the Aashram, my doubts and questions increased to which my teachers had no answers. I was advised to read books from the library to know the answers and hence I got an opportunity to read a lot of Hindu

From Hinduism to Islam.

  From a practicing Hindu, Girish KS Udupa to a practicing Muslim Muhammad Ishaaq, who now devotes his time giving dawah to non muslims. Muhammad Ishaaq, an upper caste Hindu, narrates his story about his conversion to Islam.I was born and brought up in an upper-class Hindu Brahmin family of priests in Udupi, Karnataka, India, a city known for its temples. My learning of Hindu scriptures commenced at an early age through a teacher where I noticed many contradictions and began questioning but could not get any satisfying answers nor the meaning of the scriptures. Such a beginning early in life made me search for the truth about right religion.Owing to my persistent questions, my parents on the advice of religious heads transferred me to an Aashram, to become a Hindu priest. After joining the Aashram, my doubts and questions increased to which my teachers had no answers. I was advised to read books from the library to know the answers and hence I got an opportunity to read a lot of Hindu

The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted Muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


The story of reverted Muslim.


The story of reverted muslim.


Allah commands not to look at the wealth and beauties of others especially disbelivers because it causes greediness in minds and greediness for property takes away human beings from remembering Allah . Provision and livelihood of Allah is better and permanent.

 Allah commands not to look at the wealth and beauties of others especially disbelivers  because it causes greediness in minds and greediness for property takes away human beings from remembering Allah . Provision and livelihood of Allah is better and permanent.  And do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to [some] categories of them, [its being but] the splendor of worldly life by which We test them. And the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring. Al Quran 20:131

Nimrod; A Superpower Destroyed by A Mosquito

  English . Français . فارسی Desktop Version باز و بسته کردن منو Quranic Figures/ 12 Nimrod; A Superpower Destroyed by A Mosquito   11:29 - October 14, 2022 News ID:  3480840 TEHRAN (IQNA) – Nimrod has turned into a symbol in history, the symbol of a man who considered himself to be the lord of the earth and heaven but was killed by a mosquito.    Nimrod was a king during the prophethood of Abraham (Ibrahim). He was the son of Canaan, who was the son of Kush, who was the son of Sam (Shem), who was the son of Noah (AS). Some believe he was the grandchild of Ham, Noah’s (AS) other son. Nimrod was the king of Babylon and there are different accounts on how long his reign was, with the longest being 400 years. One of the measures he took was ordering the killing of all newborn babies after astrologers predicted that a boy named Abraham (AS) will be born and will fight idolatry. Notwithstanding, Abraham (AS) was born, grew up and became a faithful and monotheistic young man. Nimrod had spre