Allah commands us to be muslims and forbids us to divide Muslim community in various sects such as salafi, Shia, Sunnis, Ahle hadiths, kaderia, Nakshibandhi, Chistia, Chormonai, Atrashi, Uzani, Deobondi, Brelovi, Hanafi, Shafi, Maleki, Hamboli etc. These are people's mind made sects for which Allah never sends deed or certificate and dividing Islam is an act of devil. In Quran no other names are found except Muslim.

 Allah commands us to be muslims and forbids us to divide Muslim community in various sects such as salafi, Shia, Sunnis, Ahle hadiths, kaderia, Nakshibandhi, Chistia, Chormonai, Atrashi, Uzani, Deobondi, Brelovi,  Hanafi, Shafi, Maleki, Hamboli etc. These are people's mind made sects for which Allah never sends deed or certificate and dividing Islam is an act of devil. In Quran no other names are found except Muslim. 

"O believers! Be mindful of Allah in the way He deserves, and do not die except in ˹a state of full˺ submission (being true muslim)˹to Him˺.

Al Quran 3:102


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