The toxic side of western culture and society and Islamic culture a cure of toxic society/Western culture Versus Islamic Culture.

                                         Western culture Versus Islamic Culture

Western civilization is being promoted by means of modern media technology. International media houses are under control of west.Theory of Huntington shows significant role of civilizations in world politics. Hutington states it as under: “The great divisions among human kind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in the world affairs but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics.”(Hutington,1993,p.22) 

West wants to modernize the world in the disguise of enlightenment. Noami states about western civilization as under: “In the prehistory of “civilization,” many societies rose and fell, but few left as clear and extensive an account of what happened to them and why as the twenty-first-century nation-states that referred to themselves as Western civilization.”(Noami,2014,p.1) In the West, due to the industrial revolution and the development of science and technology, revolutionary changes took place, which had a profound impact on the society. 

The Feminist movement served as fuel for the rebellion against the traditional family system. Thus, the women began to feel a burden to perform the responsibility of household affairs. Employment in factories and offices, independent commercial activities, free participation in dance, social clubs and gatherings have become a part of western women's lives. Western women are crossing religious and moral boundaries. Free sexual relations are preferred in western society. In the West, economic struggle and earning money are of great importance. Every individual, whether male or female, has been trapped in economic individuality. Spending capital on other family members is considered wastage of money. Dr. Abdul Ruof Zafar states it as under: According to western concept a woman should not be at the mercy of a man. She should herself worry about her economic stability. The desire to earn wealth has made women a marketable sex. As a result, in the West, there was a flood of illegitimate children. To hide the stigma of adultery and to get rid of the illegitimate children, birth control drugs were developed and the use of condoms was encouraged. This campaign continues till today. Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1668 

This concept of economic stability of women promoted the concept of virgin mothers and illegitimate children in the West.(Zafar,2012,P.169) Due to the promotion of the idea of equality between men and women in the Western world, the rate of divorce is increasing rapidly. Women and children are suffering from psychological problems. Number of single mothers is increasing. Sexual promiscuity behavior is becoming common. Homosexuality is legalized in modern Europe. That is why the family system is gradually becoming hollow in the West. Motherhood and patriarchy are gradually disappearing in the western civilization. In the West, the theory of equality between men and women was presented to make women`s participation in the efforts of earning money for material benefit. Women were completely involved in economic race like men. This unbalanced and wrong western concept of equality has removed women from their real and natural responsibilities. Consequently, Western women became so involved in the entertainment and economic activities that family and conjugal responsibilities were gradually excluded from their practical life. Thus, the family system in the West has badly suffered from instability. 

The Western society has completely broken down. According to a research report, disagreements over trivial matters lead to divorce. The rate of divorce in the West has increased to an extreme extent. The reasons for divorce are also very interesting. For example, divorce happens because one of the spouses snores in their sleep or does not like the dog. (Manan,2013,p.38) Noami states people of western civilization as follows: This technologically transitional society left extensive records both in twentieth-century style paper and in twenty-first-century electronic formats, permitting us to reconstruct what happened in extraordinarily clear detail. While analysts differ on the exact circumstances, virtually all agree that the people of Western civilization knew what was happening to them but were unable to stop it. Indeed, the most startling aspect of this story is just how much these people knew, and how unable they were to act upon what they knew. Knowledge did not translate into power.(Noami,2014,p.2)

 In the West, there has been happened a crack in the pure and strong bond of husband and wife. Therefore, divorce cases are increasing. Life without marriage (Live in relationship) is developing. Adultery can be seen in abundance in the western society. Number of Children of adultery is increasing. Children are strangers to their parents and similarly parents feel them a burden. There are many children who are deprived of identity. Deprivation of married life is a cause of Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1669 restlessness in the western society. That is why drugs are used for peace. There is a lack of love and passion between parents and children. The gap is visible in western society. 

Old parents are moved to old houses. Old age in the West is very painful. A life of loneliness and destitution is the destiny of old people. On the other hand, in the West, as soon as children are born, they are handed over to Baby Day Care Centers. Therefore, children have to be faced psychological problems. Man naturally wants to protect his identity. Every person considers his natural identity a source of pride for himself. So, Youth without identity gets involved in criminal activities.(Manan,2022,p.68) 

The western society is suffering from instability due to men and women living together without marriage (live in relationship), adultery, and birth of children without identity.In the West, free sex without marriage is acceptable. Social evils such as abortion, adultery, and homosexuality are being promoted and these evils have completely dominated the social life. The western woman has become an integral part of the advertising campaign.The sad reality is that Muslim societies are also becoming victims of this moral deviance and demonic campaign. John L. Esposito states as under: Muslims are less respected than other religious groups in Europe and they have to face outrage in Western society.(Esposito,2015,P.10) 

It proves that Muslims are facing problems on religious basis in western societies. While, On the basis of globalization, the West is not only exporting the goods of modern science and technology to the East, but Western civilization and ideas are also knocking at the doors of the Muslim society. The Feminist movement is gaining strength in Muslim world. Slogans and women marches in Muslim countries are well covered by the local and western media. The Slogan “My body, My consent” raised by liberal women has become common in Pakistan. The western culture is rapidly developing in Islamic societies due to the influence of media technology. Obscene scenes are reaching home to home through the media in the whole Islamic world. Love songs through movies, TV channels and smart phones have common among Muslim children. Muslim youth is suffering from extraordinary emotional turmoil in modern times. Westernized media is playing a key role in popularizing the Western civilization in Islamic societies. Among youth especially girls, the mood and custom of living separately from the family is growing. Disintegration of the family breaks the bonds of relationships, just like a light bulb without electricity does not get light, in the same way, no human being can get heart and spiritual satisfaction from relationships without soul and compassion. Divorce, depression and suicide are increasing rapidly. The Islamic life style and Islamic family system is a great blessing for humanity and its disintegration is a great trial. In Muslim societies, the bonds of loyalty in marriage are becoming weaker due to imitation of western civilization. 

The spirit of supporting and obeying parents is also becoming disgusted in the Eastern and Islamic societies. The traditional family system is also facing the risk of failure. Feminism Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1670 movement dedicated to the western agenda is promoting vigorously in Muslim societies. In this disturbing social situation, it is very important to protect the Islamic societies from influence of western civilization. It is the call of time to devise a plan to prevent the Islamic society from being swept away by the flood of the Western culture. In Islamic civilization, family is the first and basic institution of human society. In the social system of Islam, the family is of great importance. 

In the Holy Quran, there are detailed rules of family life. Family is a protective fence for women and men. Without a family, any individual feels an extraordinary void and feels extremely lonely. A person without a family feels like a fallen tree without shade and without support. Family system is an essential necessity of human life. In Islamic civilization, the permanent partnership between a man and a woman comes into being through an open and stable contract (Nikah). By this agreement man and woman are life partners. This is the legitimate and healthy relationship between man and woman. This relationship forms the foundation of the family. Family life is the means of protection of generation. From this union of woman and man, a new generation comes into being. It creates relationships, family and other relationships of community and these relationships form a society that expands. 

Allah says: "O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into races and tribes, so that you may identify one another. Surely the noblest of you, in Allah‘s sight, is the one who is most pious of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware."( Quran, 49:13) T

he marriage of a man and a woman is the basis of a family. Imam Jarir Tabari states that Allah creates the baby from the sperm of the man and the woman.(Tabri,1422,21:323) 

Allah says: “O men, fear your Lord who created you from a single soul, and from it created its match, and spread many men and women from the two. Fear Allah in whose name you ask each other (for your rights), and fear (the violation of the rights of) the womb-relations. Surely, Allah is watchful over you.”(Quran,4:1) 

The above mentioned Quranic verse proves that the base of men and women is the same and the union of both makes a family complete. Imam Baghwi explains that first family was by Adam and her wife Eve.Adam is father of all the men and women.(Baghwi,1420,5:161)

 Dr. Abdul Ruaf Zafar states that Islam recognizes the equality of men and women, but it is different from the equality theory of Lenin.(Zafar,2012, p.169) Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1671 

A man's position in the Islam family system is that of a guardian and caretaker. A man is the guardian and administrator of the family and in this capacity he is responsible for both the worldly needs and the hereafter welfare of his family. The wife manages the house and as such it is her duty not only to take care of the internal management of the house but also to protect her chastity by being a true companion of the husband. Allah says: “Men are caretakers of women, since Allah has made some of them excel the others, and because of the wealth they have spent. So, the righteous women are obedient, (and) guard (the property and honor of their husbands) in (their) absence with the protection given by Allah. As for women of whom you fear rebellion, convince them, and leave them apart in beds, and beat them. Then, if they obey you, do not seek a way against them. Surely, Allah is the Highest, the Greatest.”(Quran,4:34) 

The author of "Tafseer al-Maraghi" states as follows: It is the duty of men to protect and care for women. Allah favored men over women because they have ability to spend on women from their wealth.(Maraghi,1365,5:27) 

In family life, support, emotional and spiritual satisfaction is found. Without getting the love of life partner, human life is restless. To live a peaceful life, mutual harmony between husband and wife is necessary. Allah says: “And it is among His signs that He has created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them, and He has created love and kindness between you. Surely in this there are signs for a people who reflect.”(Quran, 30:21) 

It is clear from the theme of the above verse that love and affection between husband and wife is a sign of Allah. Family life is a source of emotional and spiritual satisfaction. Imam Baghwi interprets that Allah has created love between life partners. It is a huge sign of Allah`s greatness and glorious.(Baghwi,1420,3:575) 

The family system is a distinction of Islamic civilization and is a great blessing of Allah on humanity. The Holy Quran has counted the existence of family as a favor of Allah. Family system is a blessing of Allah Almighty to humanity for the comfort and peace of society. Allah says: Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1672

 “Allah has created spouses from among you and created sons and grandsons for you from your spouses, and gave you provision from good things. Is it, then, the falsehood that they believe in, and the blessing of Allah that they reject?”(Quran,16:72) 

Imam Baydhawi states that Allah has made wives for men from their own sex. Allah created Eve from Adam.(Baydhawi,1418, 3:234) Allah says: “And He is the One who created man from water, then made of him relations created by lineage and relations created by marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful.”(Quran,25:54)

 Imam Zamakhshri states that the human race is divided into two types, i.e.: male and female. (Zamakhshri,1407,3:278)

When a person has children, he gets extraordinary psychological happiness. Without children, a person feels his life's efforts are pointless. In the family, a person feels more confidence and energy in himself. Elements of Islamic civilization are according human nature and integral parts of human psyche. Participation of family heightens happiness and eases the feeling of sorrow. Following principles of Islamic life style is a natural requirement of human being. The family is the training ground of the new generation. The family is the institution in which one generation prepares the next generation to take over the vast services of human civilization with great love, sacrifice, heartache and goodwill. Allah says: “O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a fire, the fuel of which is human beings and stones, appointed on which are angels, stern and severe, who do not disobey Allah in what He orders them, and do whatever they are ordered to do.”(Quran,66:6) 

Imam Ibn-e-Kathir interprets that Allah commanded it is duty of parents to teach children manners of life and knowledge.”(Ibn-e-Kathir,1419, 8:188) The family is such a basic and initial institution which is the first training center from where Islam wants to prepare good people and it gives the initial training of good manners.(Khurashid,2008,p.414)

In Islam, it is emphasized to treat women well for the protection and stability of the social system. Islam wants to maintain the survival and security of the family. Allah says: “O you who believe, it is not lawful for you that you should forcibly take women as inheritance. Do not hold on to them so that you may take away some of what you have given them, unless they commit a clearly shameful act. Live with them in the recognized manner. If you dislike them, then it is quite likely that Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1673 you dislike something and Allah has placed a lot of good in it.”(Quran,4:19) 

Author of Tafsir ul Maraghi states: And you should improve the society of your women, by engaging them in what their character consists of, and not rejecting the law or custom, and not restricting them in alimony, and not punishing them by word or deed, nor confronting them with frowns, nor frowning." Also, each of the spouses should be interceded for the sake of the end and the reason for its happiness and happiness (Maraghi,4:213) 

The role of women in family formation is of primary importance. In Islam, Woman and man are two pillars of social life. Both of them are the builders of society. Parents are the most important part of the family. In this world, parents are the only ones who take care of their children and bring comfort to their children by suffering themselves. In the West, parents are considered a burden, instead of serving them in their old age, they are moved to old houses. On the contrary, in the Qur'an, it is ordered to serve the old parents and it is emphasized that both of them should be behaved politely. Disrespect of parents is prohibited. Allah Commands: “Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and do good to parents. If any one of them or both of them reach old age, do not say to them: uff (a word or expression of anger or contempt) and do not scold them, and address them with respectful words.”(Quran,17:23)

 In the above mentioned verse, children have been ordered to respect their parents. Author of"Tafsir al-Khazan" states:Allah has commanded in Quran children must be kind to their parents.(Khazan,1415,3:127) 

In the West, promiscuity (life without marriage) is destroying the family. The relationship between a man and a woman without marriage is the worst sin and a crime which has been totally prohibited and Committer of this sin is deserved of the most severe punishment. Through the contract of marriage, both (man and woman) impose heavy obligations on themselves and become bound to them forever. In Islam, promiscuity, obscenity, nudity and adultery are strictly prohibited. Allah says: “The fornicating woman and the fornicating man, flog each one of them with one hundred stripes. No pity for them should prevail upon you in the matter of Allah‘s religion, if you really believe in Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1674 Allah and the Last Day; and a group of believers must witness their punishment.”(Quran,24:2) 

Allama Ibn-e-Kathir expresses that punishment of an adulterer (unmarried male or female) is one hundred skins.(Ibn-e-Kathir,3:6)Adulterers cannot spend happy life because they suffer from dangerous diseases that make them very anxious and all their organs often cause weakness. Adultery is part of western civilization. It has no place in Islamic society. Sexual diseases are spreading in the society because of adulterers. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the society from adulterers. How can peace and tranquility are established in such a land where adulterers are transferring their psychological diseases to other ones. Immorality, adultery, nudity and obscenity are specific features of western civilization. Adultery and nudity is not only prohibited in Islam but it is also strictly forbidden in other divine religions. It is stated in Holy book of Christianity as under: “You have heard that it was said not to commit adultery”( Mathew,5:18) 

Above statement of gospel Mathew shows that adultery is not allow but modern society of west is violating the moral teachings of their religion. In Islam, the punishment in this world and in the hereafter has been announced for those who promote such social evils (adultery, obscenity) of western civilization in Islamic society. The punishment of adultery has been prescribed in the Holy Qur'an so that the society can be purified from the filth of nudity and adultery. Divine Command is: “Surely, those who like that lewdness spreads among the believers, for them there is painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. Allah knows, and you do not know.”(Quran,24:19) 

Allama Suyuti explains that Both the perpetrator of obscenity and the spreader of obscenity are criminals. ( Suyuti,6:161)

Whereas, Author of "Fath-ul-Qadeer" states that adulterer will be given a painful punishment in this world, and in the hereafter.(Shuokani,1414, 4:17)The abundance of adultery and immorality in the West because of globalization have also negative and destructive effects on the Islamic societies. Conclusion Western civilization is getting embedded in the Islamic societies rapidly. Globalization and modern media technology are main sources of promotion of western culture in Muslim regions. Adultery, nudity and obscenity are the elements of western civilization in modern times. In the West, the human values have almost disappeared. Life without marriage (Live in relationship) is evil of western civilization now it is flourishing because of globalization. Traditional family Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X) Volume 18, Number 4, 2021 1675 system has been hollowed out in the West.

 Aged parents are shifted to old houses. In the West, men and women living together without marriage (Live in Relationship).Adultery, and the birth of children deprived of identity are common. Thus, in the West, the Western society is suffering from internal disintegration. Unfortunately, nudity, obscenity, adultery, establishment of old houses, live in relationship, feminist movement and other elements of western civilization are being transferred to Muslim societies. 

Therefore, The foundations of the Islamic social system are also being undermined. Western civilization is having negative effects on the Islamic world. The evils of western civilization are being injected by media into Islamic societies in current times. Therefore, it is the most important need of the time to enlighten the young generation with the Islamic social system. It is essential to save the Muslim societies from the negative effects of western culture .Imitation of western culture by Muslim young generation is a challenge for Mulsim Ummah. Muslim states should establish many more seerat research centers to prevent influence of western civilization on Muslim societies. 


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