
QURANIC heart soothing and blessing verses on Heaven or paradise or Jannat.

  Blog Home Quran With Audio Questions & Answers Zakat Calculator IslamCan Home Type your search query and hit enter: All Rights Reserved Type your search query and hit enter: HOMEPAGE BLOG Blog 10 Beautiful Quranic Verses About Paradise Jannah or Paradise is the ultimate goal of every Muslim. We are all travellers through this world; stopping by for a day or two to gather what we need for the hereafter. Paradise is precious and not something which is handed out freely. One must earn it while in this world by working for it. What we do in this world will greatly affect what we get in the afterlife. Those who do righteous deeds in this world will be rewarded with paradise. However, righteous deeds is not enough, one also has to recognize the Creator and do good deeds for His pleasure as He alone is the One in whose control is our final destiny. What awaits for the believers in the paradise is unimaginable as the the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: Allah has said: I have pre