
The importance of Al Aksha Mosque.

  Skip to content Skip to content Main Menu Importance of Al-Aqsa Mosque Leave a Comment   /  islamic  / By  Quran Courses Academy Table of Contents     Hide   1   What is Jerusalem? 2   Jerusalem and Islam 3   Importance of Jerusalem for Muslims 4   help to learn Quran online Importance of Al Muqaddas, Al Aqsa and Jerusalem bait for Muslims   Join Now to Get 2 FREE trial classes learn Quran online What is Jerusalem? Jerusalem is known as the Holy Land which is located between the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. It is located in Palestine, but Israel also controls some of its areas because they want to make Bait Al Muqaddas and Jerusalem their capital. On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly, in the exercise of its authority, accepted Jerusalem as part of Palestine or Arabs under the mandate of the League of Nations. As a result of the 1948 war, this plan was never implemented and Israel controlled many areas of Jerusalem that were Arab-based and later they also took control of th