
Those who trust Allah never lose hope

  Those who trust Allah never lose hope HARUN YAHYA February 27, 2015 03:02 86806 Follow @arabnews One of the important characteristics of a Muslim is that he remains in a positive state of mind, whatever the circumstances. He tries for the best and look for wisdom. A Muslim is never in despair, not even in most difficult moments. That is because they believe that Allah is the Creator of all things; that He has the power to create whatever He wants by saying it to “Be!” The faithful knows that any trying times, he finds himself in, are a God-sent test. He takes things in his stride, recalling what Allah Almighty has advised him: “ may be that you hate something when it is good for you and it may be that you love something when it is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.” (Qur’an, 2:216) Everything turns positive for a Muslim with such a depth of soul. Whether it be trouble or difficulty, it is Allah Who bestows them on that person. He is believers’ Helper and Guardian. Any

Importance and Benefits of Tawakkul | Trust and Reliance on Allah

  Importance and Benefits of Tawakkul | Trust and Reliance on Allah Importance of Tawakkul Tawakkul is basically the “trust and reliance on Allah” that is accepting the results that He decides regardless of how they may turn out to be. We may face challenges and difficult situations in our life but we have to face them strongly while believing in Allah Almighty that is the concept of Tawakkul. Tawakkul is our belief and the attitude that we have about putting trust in Allah to take care of all affairs of our life. In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says:  “And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever places his trust in Allah, Sufficient is He for him, for Allah will surely accomplish His Purpose: For verily, Allah has appointed for all things a due proportion.”  (Quran, 65:3). From this verse, we can say that always trust and rely on Allah because He is the Best Sustainer and He will guide us in our difficult time and surely He will protect us. In Holy Quran Allah Al

The concept of the oneness of Almighty Allah in Islam

Image The Oneness of Allah   Ib_Admin 5 years ago CHAPTER IX The Oneness of Allah   We sent no Messenger before you without revealing to him, “There is no god but Me, so worship Me (alone)”  (Al-Anbiya  21:25).   The Oneness of Allah, known as  tawhid,  is the first and paramount constituent of the Islamic concept, as it is the fundamental truth of the Islamic faith. It is also one of the chief characteristics of the Islamic concept because, among all the belief systems and philosophies cur­rently prevailing among human beings, only the Islamic faith can be characterized as having a pure form of monotheism. This is why we have included “The Oneness of Allah” as one of the characteristics of the Islamic concept. From the outset we state that the message of the Oneness of Allah has been the chief constituent and characteristic of all religions brought by the Messengers of Allah Most High, because every religion sent from Allah was nothing but Islam, which is submission to All

What actions constitute hypocrisy in Islam?

  What actions constitute hypocrisy? What actions constitute hypocrisy? Answer Hypocrisy is loosely defined as putting up a false appearance. In matters of faith, it describes the sort of actions that are associated with pretending to accept the faith of Islam when a person actually does not. He does so in order to win favor with Muslims and to try to be accepted as one of them. At the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, there were people in Madinah who claimed to be Muslims when in actual fact they were not. Allah describes these people at the opening of the Surah entitled "The Hypocrites" in the following terms: "When the hypocrites come to you, they say: we bear witness that you are truly Allah's messenger. Allah certainly knows that you are truly His messenger, but Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are indeed liars." [the Hypocrites — “Al-Munafiqun” 63: 1] Since hypocrisy is all about pretense, it is very difficult to define who is a hypocrite. How

Rewards for a true believer in Islam

  Rewards for a true believer in Islam by   KH Web Desk     October 26, 2018   in   Friday Faith   Reading Time: 2min read A   A    0 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Whatsapp Telegram Email Believers should not allow grief to overtake them because of what may happen to them. They shall gain the upper hand, because of their superior faith. Believers prostrate themselves only to Allah, while other people prostrate before one or some of His creatures. The holy Quran makes it clear to the believers that they are indeed superiors and far more exalted than other people. It tells them: You have a superior way of life, because you follow a method established by Allah, while the methods followed by other groups have been devised by creatures. Moreover, your role is superior, because you have been selected for a position of trust to convey Almighty Allah’s guidance to all mankind. Other people are unaware of this guidance. Your place on earth is superior, because Allah has promised by to inhe