
The harmful and negative effects of eating pork on health.

  Skip to main content Toggle navigation Philosophy of Islamic Laws Naser Makarem Shirazi TABLE OF CONTENTS ▼ 6 minutes read Question 16: The Harmful Effects of Pork on the Health of a Person Question:  What is the harm in eating pork, that Islam has prohibited it, whereas Christians consume it with delight? Answer:  The present age has realized that pork has many unimaginable dangerous effects. One who eats pork is affected in a dangerous way. It is also bad from the ethical point of view, which comes into existence with the Hormones, and also many more health matters. Here we will point to one harm, a disease called Trichinosis; whose cure has not been found and it is interesting to know that whatever you are going to read below is an article from an American research center which was sent to us through Dr. Muhammad Gufrani. A dangerous disease caused by pork The doctors of Health centers have received reports from patients who have trichinosis and now this report shows that this dis

Pre Islamic society in Arab or social systems in Arab before Islam

  Skip to main content Toggle navigation A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims Sayyid Ali Asghar Razwy TABLE OF CONTENTS ▼ 18 minutes read Arabia before Islam In writing the history of Islam, it is customary to begin with a survey of the political, economic, social and religious conditions of Arabia on the eve of the Proclamation by Muhammad (may God bless him and his Ahlul-Bait) of his mission as Messenger of God. It is the second convention of the historians (the first being to give a geographical description of the region). I shall also abide by this convention, and will review briefly, the general conditions in Arabia in the late sixth and early seventh century A.D. Political Conditions in Arabia The most remarkable feature of the political life of Arabia before Islam was the total absence of political organization in any form. With the exception of Yemen in the south-west, no part of the Arabian peninsula had any government at any time, and the Arabs never acknowledged

How to offer prayer or salat or learning prayers


How do you offer prayer or salat


The quran recitation and tilawat


The quran recitation and tilawat


the story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted Muslims


THE story of converted Muslims


Which religion will be the largest by the end of the century?

  Which religion will be the largest by the end of the century? 14 DEC 2021 SHARE Islam is not only the world’s fastest growing religion today, but it is projected to be the largest one by 2075. Muslims participate in a procession to mark Eid-e-Milad, the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's birth, in Hyderabad, India. ( Mahesh Kumar A. / AP Archive ) Christianity has been the world’s most popular Abrahamic religion since its emergence over two thousand years ago, but it will lose its place to Islam at end of the 21st century  according to the Pew Research Center. At the beginning of the 20th century, Christianity had the largest number of followers numbering  nearly 560 million  while there were  200 million Muslims  at the time. In 1900, Christians represented 34 percent of the global population while Muslims constituted 12 percent of all faiths across the globe.  But that margin between Christian and Muslim populations dramatically changed throughout the 20th century in favour of I