
The Imam of mosque whether can receive salary or not in islam.

  Ads by Muslim Ad Network About Islam Search Toggle Menu Ads by Muslim Ad Network Home Ask the Scholar Prayer Can Mosque Imams Earn a Salary? A A A Can Mosque Imams Earn a Salary? 22 October, 2022 Q As-salamu `alaykum. Can Mosque imams obtain a salary for leading people in Prayer? Is the salary he obtains a halal one? ANSWER Dr. Anwar Dabbour 22 October, 2022 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. In this fatwa: There is nothing wrong that the mosque imams receiving a salary for leading people in Prayer and delivering Friday sermon, Answering your question about mosque imam taking salaries,  Dr. Anwar Dabbour , Professor of Shari`ah at the Faculty of Law, Cairo University, states: There is nothing wrong with the imam who delivers the  khutbah   ( sermon ) in a Mosque obtaining a salary from either the  Mosque  board or from the government. Ads by Muslim Ad Network Islamic organization s

Receiving or taking or having salary by Imam for prayers or adhan in Islam.

  Support IslamQA  Please contribute generously in order to ensure the continuity of our website InshaAllah. Contribute Call for prayer Related topic Ruling on receiving a salary for giving the adhaan  18-12-2010          Question 146964 I am a man who works as a muezzin in return for a salary from the awqaaf. It was said to me: If you receive a salary then you will not get the reward. And I do not want that; rather I want the reward. Please note that I only take the salary because I do not have any other income, but I prefer the reward of the Hereafter to the reward of this world. I hope that you will clarify this, may Allah bless you. Answer Praise be to Allah. It is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to ‘Uthmaan ibn Abi’l-‘Aas, when he asked him to be the imam of his people: “You are their imam; pay attention to the weak among them, and appoint a muezzin who does not take any payment for his adhaan.”  This indicates that the muezzin who volunteer

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The harmful and negative effects of drinking wine on health

We use cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to browse this site you agree to our use of cookies.  More info . Accept Cookie Settings Skip to content Become a Member   Menu   7   185 Why Wine is Damaging Our Body More Than We Thought Download   PDF Copy By   Dr. Liji Thomas, MD A leisurely glass of red wine with a good meal never hurt anyone – or did it? Many ‘experts’ point out that wine is not always harmful, and in fact, a little of it every day can help your stomach and ward off many illnesses, as the Good Book says. Image Credit: TnkImages/ Nonetheless, many public health organizations feel and espouse the necessity of banning   red wine   altogether, along with other alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is present in wine. This simple statement is enough to explain how wine harms the human body. Is Alcohol Good for Health? Why do so many studies say low doses of wine are beneficial to health? Researchers say these conclusions come from flawed methods of study, fa