
Islam promotes peace and discourage violence in the world.

  Toggle navigation Latest News and Updates MARCH 1, 2022 Importance of Maintaining Peace in Islam Aine Moorad Peace is undeniably one of the greatest human needs.  P eace is  also  a fundamental aspect of Islam.   In fact, the word Islam means peace and submission.  As we enter the month of Rajab, one of the four sacred  Islamic  months ,  let ’s   explor e  this important  Islamic  virtue .     Below are  references  from the Quran  and hadith  which emphasize the importance of  maintaining  peace.    “Do good to others as God has done good to you, and do not seek corruption, and mischief in the land, for God does not love those who cause corruption and make mischief.” (Quran, Surah Al-Qasas, 28:77)     “Peace is better” (Quran, 4:128)     “And if they incline toward peace, then you too incline toward it, and put your trust in Allah. Indeed, He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing.” (Surah Al-Anfal, 8: 61)    “…And settlement is best…” (Quran: 4:128).      The Quran calls its way “… T

Islam never supports terrorism and radicalisation in the society and the state and world and universe.

   Al Islam Library Topics Terrorism and Jihad in Islam   Share Islam’s Response to Terrorism By Abdul Ghany Jahengeer Khan – UK Islam means the religion of peace. A person following Islam will find that he or she is surrounded by noble teachings, the aim of which is to establish peace between man and Allah, the Creator of all; between man and man; and between man and the rest of Allah’s creation. How does such a religion deal with the issue of terrorism? And what does the word terrorist mean? Dictionaries will define a terrorist as one who systematically uses violence and intimidation to achieve political ends – or one who controls or forces others to do something by violence, fear or threats. All these definitions are covered by two words in the Holy Qur’an, the sacred book of Islam: Fitnah and Ikrâh. In the Holy Qur’an, God begins to deal with the issue of terrorism by teaching Muslims never to become terrorists in the first place. Two of the very first verses of our Holy Book say: