
American female singer reciting the Quran.


What is the distance within which it is obligatory to pray in the mosque?

  What is the distance within which it is obligatory to pray in the mosque?  21969 Publication : 11-10-2001 Views : 41418 EN Question Iam ging to travel to the UK and stay there for one week InshAllah ,the nearest mosque to my residence there is about one and a half kilometres away. Of course I would not here the call to prayer because adhan is not announced in the UK in most places . It would be rather difficult for me to walk this long distance five times a day back and forth for jamaa prayers( I am in very good health but this distance five times daily would be some effort). I know I could take a bus but still would be alot of work when done five times a day. Would it be permissible for me to pray alone at my residence for that week? I have read that the distance beyond which adhan could not be heard is about five kilometres but I believe this is a very long distance indeed to ask anyone to walk to reach the mosque, besides I could not imagine how adhan could be heard anyway from th

500 plus renowned scientists jointly share why they reject Darwin’s theory of evolution

  500 plus renowned scientists jointly share why they reject Darwin’s theory of evolution In Brief The Facts: Many scientists around the world have voiced their concerns regarding Darwin's theory of evolution. The science is not adequate to explain life and human creation. Reflect On: Why is this theory pushed so hard? Is this an example of scientific dogma? Some educational institutions are teaching it as fact. Why aren't we taught to question accepted beliefs regarding the origins of human life? Why are there only two options? It’s amazing how the theory of evolution is pushed on the populace as fact and sound science, but like Professor Colin Reeves, from the Department of Mathematical Sciences from Coventry University explains, “Darwinism was an interesting idea in the 19th century, when handwaving explanations gave a plausible, if not properly scientific, framework into which we could fit biological facts. However, what we have learned science the days of Darwin throws dou

List of 500 scientists who disagree with Darwin's evolution theory.

  A S CIENTIFIC D ISSENT F ROM D ARWINISM “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.” This was last publicly updated May 2021. Scientists listed by doctoral degree or current position.   Philip Skell* Emeritus, Evan Pugh Prof. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University Member of the National Academy of Sciences Lyle H. Jensen* Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological Structure & Dept. of Biochemistry University of Washington, Fellow AAAS Maciej Giertych Full Professor, Institute of Dendrology Polish Academy of Sciences Lev Beloussov Prof. of Embryology, Honorary Prof., Moscow State University Member, Russian Academy o