
The history of Iconic Al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem in Palestine.

  Live News Opinion Video The Big Story Discover Français       Now   Israel-Palestine war   Occupation   Sudan crisis Toggle navigation News  |  Occupation Al-Aqsa: The history of Jerusalem's iconic mosque Located in the Old City, the historical site is a focal point of Israeli-Palestinian tensions By  Aaya Al-Shamahi ,  A Alaa  and  Umar A Farooq Published date:  4 October 2022 11:41 BST | Last update:   10 months 3 weeks  ago 507 Shares Dominating Jerusalem's skyline, the al-Aqsa mosque is the jewel in the crown of the historic Old City. Holding a rich history for Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike, its beauty is both physical and transcendental to the thousands of worshippers who visit every year. 'The Dome of the Rock continues to define Jerusalem aesthetically' - Mustafa Abu Sway, Islamic Waqf Council Covering 144,000 square metres, the complex includes the golden-topped Dome of the Rock - arguably Jerusalem's most recognisable landmark - and the ancient al-Q