
Questions and answers on Islam and other religions.


Islam and comparative religions.


Question and answer session by zakir Naik on comparative religion


Question and answer session by zakir Naik on Comparative relations.


Debate between Dr. zakir Naik and William Campbell on QURAN AND BIBLE IN LIGHT OF SCIENCE.


The Quran and Bible in light of Science


The story of converted muslims


The story of converted Chinese muslim.


Conflict between Hamas and Israeli and Hizbollah or Palestine vs Israeli vs Lebanon


Lebanese Iran backed Hizbullah pound Israel in 2024


Question and answers sessions on Islamic matter and issues and comparative religious issues which humans beings want to know on Islam, christianity, Judaism, jews, Hinduism and buddhism.


Motivational heart touching story of converted muslims.


Hamas Ambushed Israeli soldiers in Gaza of Palestine.


Hamas turned Israeli tank into fire ball


Hamas Al Qasem Brigade blew up markaba tanks in al aksha storm operation 2024


Israel verses Palestinian Gaza conflict with hamas


There is no contradiction in the Qur’an about changes in the words of Allah and there being no change in them

  There is no contradiction in the Qur’an about changes in the words of Allah and there being no change in them  147330 Publication : 19-10-2015 Views : 50963 EN Question Some of the Christians say that there are verses in the Qur’an that contradict one another – is that true? There are the verses (interpretation of the meaning): “For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present world (i.e. righteous dream seen by the person himself or shown to others), and in the Hereafter. No change can there be in the Words of Allah, this is indeed the supreme success” [Yoonus 10:64] “And recite what has been revealed to you (O Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) of the Book (the Quran) of your Lord (i.e. recite it, understand and follow its teachings and act on its orders and preach it to men). None can change His Words, and none will you find as a refuge other than Him” [al-Kahf 18:27]. [They say that] these verses are contradicted by other verses in Soorat an-Nahl, Soorat ar

Refuting the Argument Regarding "Allah's Words Do Not Change"

  Refuting the Argument Regarding "Allah's Words Do Not Change" by Bassam Zawadi   Christian Argument   Surah 6:115 and 18:27 state that no one can change Allah's words. The Torah and Gospel were Allah's words. Since they couldn't have changed, Islam testifies to the incorruptibility of the Bible's text.   My Response Here are the verses in question: Surah 6:115 The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in justice:  None can change His words : for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all. S. 6:115 Surah 18:27 And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord: none  can change His Words , and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than Him. S. 18:27 It seems quite clear just from reading the context alone that what is meant by "none change His words" is that no one could stop Allah's promises from being fulfilled.  Reading  Surah 6:115 alone makes that very clear. Imam Al Tabari in his commentary st