
Debate on religion and ask questions.


Revert story- Inspiring and heart-breaking.


Jesus AWS eas not really crucified.


Story of UK converted Muslims.


The Monk leads me to Islam.


Rules Regarding Assisted Suicide in Islam

  Rules Regarding Assisted Suicide Question 114: Assisted suicide is killing a terminally ill patient so he does not have to go through any pain. What is the ruling regarding this action? Answer: Murder is not permissible in any case and one would have to pay blood money and be physically punished. Question 115: There are three ways to assist a terminally ill patient to commit suicide. First, the doctor injects medicine into the body of the patient that would kill him. Second, the doctor stops giving the patient medicine that he needs which would result in death. Third, the doctor gives the patient a fatal dose of medicine but the patient injects it into his own body. Which one of these is permissible? Answer: It is not obligatory to keep the dying person alive or delay his death, so the second method would be permissible. But, any action that would cause death would not be permissible, for example, the other two scenarios.

Is there any justification for euthanasia or assisted death in Islam?

  Is there any justification for euthanasia in Islam? Islam does not provide any justification for euthanasia. The reason for this is that according to the Holy Quran, human life is not our possession – it belongs to God alone. The concept of a life ‘not worthy of living’ does not exist in Islam. God has ordained for human life to be respected unconditionally and no amount of temporary human suffering is allowed to interfere with the sanctity of human life. God states in the Holy Qur’an: “Kill not the life which God has made sacred” ( 6:152 ). Suffering can be relieved to a degree by medicine and other means. If a person cannot be relieved beyond that, then the suffering becomes a means of forgiveness for sins until God brings death by His Will.

The notorious Guantanamo prisoner's Guards of America c0nverted to Islam.


American, British soldiers' conversion story- Why they are accepting Islam.


Proving that Islam is the only one true religion.


Birth day celebration is not allowed in Islam-It is Bidah and imitation of non-muslims culture.

  Summary of answer Muslims do not celebrate birthdays because it is a kind of innovation in religion which has no basis in the pure Shari`ah. Answer Related Praise be to Allah. The evidence in the Quran and Sunnah indicates that  celebrating birthdays  is a kind of bid’ah or innovation in religion, which has no basis in the pure Shari’ah. It is not permitted to accept invitations to  birthday celebrations  , because this involves supporting and encouraging bid’ah. Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “Or have they partners with Allah (false gods) who have instituted for them a religion which Allah has not allowed…?” [Al-Shura 42:21] “Then We have put you (O Muhammad) on a plain way of (Our) commandment. So follow that, and follow not the desires of those who know not. Verily, they can avail you nothing against Allah (if He wants to punish you). Verily, the wrongdoers are protectors to one another, but Allah is the Protector of the pious.” [Al-J

Why western media spread Islamophobia?


Why Islam allows man to marry 4 wives.


Why the Jews reject Jesus AWS as prophet.


If man can beat woman why not woman in Islam?


Guantonamo USA prison guard converted to Islam.


Challenging the the Christians claim.


What happened to the souls after death?


No Shia or Sunni In Islam and All are muslims.


Will Christian go to Hell if Islam is not accepted?


List of common Biada or innovation in Islam by derailed muslims which will nullify the good deeds of a muslims and enter into Hell.

  Menu The Grand List of Common Bidahs Saying Iqamah in the left ear of a new born. (The sunnah is to say the azaan in the right ear alone) Celebrating Shabe-ba’rat (15 th  of shaban) Celebrating the night of ascension (mi’raj) (27 th  of Rajab) Celebrating Mawlid (Birthday of the Prophet) Mourning on the 3 rd , 10 th , 40 th  and on the yearly death anniversary of the deceased Doing tasbeeh (Subhan Allah), tahleel (la ilaha ill lal la) and tamheed (Alhamduliah) on stone, pebbles or the likes and doing so in a group. Reciting quran for the sake of benefiting the deceased with the reward of what is recited. This includes reciting quran as group by hiring people or inviting relatives, blowing over the food after recitation, and sharing that food with people on the death anniversary of a person. Making group dua right after the funeral prayer. Praying four rakat before the fard of jummah prayers. Making group dua at the end of each salah. (We cannot find any reference where after each sal